
  1. 可观测量;统一工程量计算规则的探讨

    ( 4 ) Measurable quantities ; On the uniform measurement of quantities

  2. 工程量计算规则中的几个问题探讨

    On Several Questions in Engineering Quantity Calculation Rules

  3. 关于工程量计算规则的一点思考

    Thinking of computing regulation of engineering quantity

  4. 统一工程量计算规则的探讨

    On the uniform measurement of quantities

  5. 分析统一工程量计算规则的必要性以及实现统一规则存在的困难,探讨实现工程量计算规则统一的途径。

    Analyze the necessity and the difficulties of the uniform measurement of quantities ; explore the way to realization of uniform measurement of quantities .

  6. 最后,对于双轨制计价模式下建筑产品价格组成从工程量计算规则、计量单位、计价依据、费用构成等多方面各自的利弊所在以工程实例加以论证,说明工程量清单计价的改革势在必行。

    In the end , by giving examples , this paper demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of the project cost structures in the Dual-Track Project Cost Model in the aspects of the project quality calculation rules , calculation unit , cost calculation gist , cost structures and etc.

  7. 首先要学会看图,读懂图纸的内容,并了解安装工程的施工工艺,其次要知道工程量的计算规则,将这些熟悉之后,就可以进行安装预算了。

    Want to learn to see a picture above all , understand the content of blueprint , understand the construction technology that installs a project , the computation that should know the project is measured next is regular , after be familiar with these , can undertake installing a budget .

  8. 就采暖工程施工图预算编制中的采暖管道工程量的计算规则和计算依据进行了说明。

    This article gives an explanation on the calculating rules and the calculating foundations of heating piping project quantity which is in budget making of the working drawing of the heating engineering .