
  1. 这是一间典型的工厂,现代化的钢结构建筑,配备最新科技成果,奥的斯电梯,贝尔电话,胜家缝纫机

    Places like this , modern steel-frame buildings equipped with all the latest technology , Otis electric elevators , Bell telephones , Singer sewing machines .

  2. 特许经营起源于美国,从胜家缝纫机开创特许经营模式以来,特许经营已经有了130多年的历史。

    The special permission management origins from US , has founded the special permission management pattern since the victory family sewing machine , the special permission management already had more than 130 years history .

  3. 用老式的“胜家”缝纫机为一家人缝缝补补;要做饭、烤面包;要照料菜园;要挤羊奶;还要在洗衣板上搓洗脏衣服。

    Sewing clothes for her family on the old Singer treadle machine , cooking meals and baking bread , planting and tending a vegetable garden , milking the goats and scrubbing soiled clothes on a washboard .