
  • 网络mudy katsuyama;katsuyama;Satomi Katsuyama
  1. 布拉德o胜山创建了IEX,他的使命是要让股市重新变得透明、有责任感。

    Brad Katsuyama founded IEX with the mission to bring transparency and accountability back to the stock market .

  2. “与时俛仰”“以度为胜”是山涛一生的处世哲学和为人之道。

    Adapting to the times and winning through tolerance is Shan Tao 's philosophy and golden rules in all his life .

  3. 以山而兼海之胜,当推舟山之普陀”由此,“海天佛国”的普陀山天下闻名。

    Consequently , the fame of Putuoshan as a buddhist Fairyland on the Sea ? spread throughout the country and even beyond .