
  • 网络Competence;a sense of competence;self-efficacy;perceived competence
  1. 师范院校大学生自尊结构包括三个因素:胜任感、归属感与外表感;三因素相关模型具有合理性和有效性。

    Normal university students ' self-esteem structure consists of three factors , competence , sense of belonging and the appearances , and this model is of rationality and validity .

  2. 巴德说,研究发现,要保持工作主动性,就必须让胜任感这一内在心理需求得到满足。

    In order to remain self-motivated , research has found that the innate psychological need for competence must be satisfied , ' Mr. Baard says .

  3. 对一名员工来说,要扩展满足胜任感需求的机会,途径之一是通过鼓励他人来帮助自己所在的团队取得成功,即使个人的直接贡献有限也不要紧。

    A way an employee can expand opportunities to satisfy this need is to help her team succeed by encouraging others , even if her direct contributions are limited .

  4. 验证性因素分析表明,我国中小学生自尊结构包括五个因素:社会认可、自我胜任感、外表感、归属感和重要感;五因素相关模型具有合理性和有效性。

    Confirmatory factor analysis shows five factors covered in self-esteem structure : social approval , self-competence , appearance , belonging and importance . Five factors related model turns to be reasonable and valid . 3 .

  5. 我们将会审核您是否能胜任您感兴趣的这份工作或者职位。

    After reviewing your job application form and resume , we will determine your qualification for the job position .