
běn jí
  • ancestral home;one's original domicile;one's permanent home address
本籍 [běn jí]
  • [ancestral home] 祖籍;老家

  • 本籍山东诸城

本籍[běn jí]
  1. 然后从教学目标、教学内容、师资生源等方面介绍了这一时期英语教学注重翻译科技书籍,培养本籍教员等特色。

    Then , this period English teaching focus on the translation of scientific and technical books , training domiciled faculty from teaching objectives , teaching content , teaching students .

  2. 这一制度的实施,对东汉后期的政局产生了一定的影响,即东汉后期的割据势力没有一例是在本籍起家。

    The implementation of this system produced certain effect for the political situation of the late Eastern Han Dynasty . That is on one separatist forces rises in his own hometown .