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  1. 本区全新统地层的沉积物按成因类型可分为冲积物、冲洪积物及洪积物。

    Holocene strata in this area can be divided into alluvial deposits , alluvial material and diluvial genetic types of sediment .

  2. 在此基础上,分析阳新统的裂缝分布,指出本区阳新统天然气勘探的三个远景区,其中之一已被若干勘探成果证实。

    Three prospect zone of oil and gas of Yangxin series are suggested , and one of them has been confirmed by geological exploration in this area .

  3. 通过有机岩石学研究,在本区下白垩统源岩中发现了荧光性极强的藻纹层。

    For the first time , the algae laminae with strong fluorescence are found out in the Cretaceous source rocks through the research of organic petrology .