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  1. 针对这种亲礼的混乱状态,我最近实施了一次小小的打击。

    Against this state of kiss anarchy , I have recently struck one small blow .

  2. 实际上,同事之间的大部分亲礼都发生在办公室之外通常是在社交场合遇到他们的时候。

    Otherwise , most kissing of colleagues takes place outside the office , when I run into them socially .

  3. 事实上,想想英格兰非常重要,因为这里的亲礼有无穷无尽的细微差别,不同的办公场所与不同的人之间要有不同的对待,所以你必须时刻保持警惕。

    In fact , thinking of England is important as the kissing policy here is endlessly nuanced , and varies office by office and person by person , so you need to be endlessly vigilant .

  4. 自汉以来,亲迎之礼何以昏以为期众说纷纭。关于礼仪起源几种成说的辨析

    Opinions about Wedding ceremony at dusk has been widely explained since Han Dynasty . On the Origin of Ceremony and Propriety