
qīn jìn
  • be close to;be on intimate terms with;familiarity;cotton
亲近 [qīn jìn]
  • [be close to] 信任接近

  • 兄弟亲近。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 不是我十分亲近的朋友

亲近[qīn jìn]
  1. 他们都非常想跟你亲近。

    They want so much to be close to you .

  2. 你是一个我想要亲近的好男孩。

    You are such a good boy I want to be close to .

  3. 她从来没有和她那个清心寡欲、只顾工作的父亲亲近过。

    She has never been close to her ascetic , workaholic father .

  4. 我们的确很亲近,非常在乎对方。

    We were really close . We thought the world of each other .

  5. 去年8月,他召集自己最亲近的顾问在戴维营开会。

    Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David

  6. 我们都会无意中对他人的亲近有所设防。

    We all unconsciously erect barriers against intimacy .

  7. 他出去亲近大自然的时候,她就会一路小跑,快活地跟在他后面。

    She would happily trot behind him as he set off to commune with nature .

  8. 她和父母的关系都很亲近,因此毫无疑问,他们的离婚对她打击很大。

    She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce

  9. 我一直和爸爸很亲近,不过他从不强迫我继承他的事业。

    I 've always been close to my dad but he 's never rammed his career down my throat

  10. 篝火晚会之后,他觉得和苏珊更亲近了。

    He felt closer to Susan after the campfire party .

  11. 他们俩很亲近。

    They two are on intimate terms .

  12. 英语老师待学生诚恳耐心,大家都愿意亲近她。

    As the English teacher is sincere and patient , every student of the class wants to be friends with her .

  13. 别和他太亲近了。

    Don 't get too matey with him .

  14. 我觉得与他很亲近。

    I felt very close to him .

  15. 但是我们也发现他们对家人和亲近的朋友这个关系紧密的圈子之外的公民生活没有多少兴趣。

    But we also found little interest in civic life beyond the tight circles of their family and immediate friends .

  16. 有的调査会问调査对象自己关于被叫错名字的事情:和他们关系比较亲近的——家人或朋友——叫他们的时候错叫成了别人的名字。

    Some asked subjects about incidents where someone close to them — family or friend — had called them by another person 's name .

  17. Framily(friends和family两个词的合成词)指很亲近的朋友,尤其指那些亲如家人的朋友。

    Framily ( the blend of " friends " and " family " ) means a person 's closest friends , particularly those who feel like part of the family .

  18. 上主也这样鞭责我们,并不是为惩罚,乃是为警戒与他亲近的人

    It is by way of admonition that he chastises those who are close to him .

  19. 研究表明,快乐的人会影响最亲近的人,给他们带来满满的活力。

    Research suggests that happy people influence the people closest to them and provide a boost of good energy .

  20. 这项新法案由法国议员弗朗索瓦·若利韦和总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的几位亲近盟友提出。

    The new legislation was proposed by MP Fran ç ois Jolivet and close allies of President Emmanuel Macron .

  21. 很多女性认为这是她们最大的成就,因此希望同所有亲近的人分享这一时刻。

    Many women feel it is their biggest achievement and so want to share the moment with all of those closest to them .

  22. 和亲近的朋友吵架时要就事论事,不要扯出那些陈年旧事。

    When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don 't quibble over the appetizers settle scores with the past

  23. 但是当彼得说他担心几个亲近的人又再次对他的身份一无所知时,奇异博士开始改变主意。

    But when Peter says he 's concerned about the few who know his secret being in the dark again , he begins to have second thoughts .

  24. 现在我希望大家以朱莉的身份来想象,或者跟你最亲近患有哮喘病或者其他肺部疾病的人。

    So I want you to imagine that you 're in Julie 's shoes , or someone who 's really close to you who suffers from asthma or another lung disorder .

  25. 说,多可怕啊,how,terrible,',said,Eragon,孤独而死,即便最亲近的人也是分开。

    Eragon to die alone , separate , even from the one who is closest to you .

  26. B:看来,决定一个超级英雄能否被更广泛接受的主要因素,是他们易于亲近的特性和崇高的品行。

    B : So it seems that an intimate understanding of a worldly life and the righteousness of the superhero are the deciding factors in the popularity of these characters .

  27. 社会心理学家将这种友情观称为交换取向(exchangeorientation)。他们认为,这更适合商业伙伴或其他不太亲近的关系,并不适于与亲友的关系。

    Social psychologists call this view of relationships ' exchange orientation ' and say it is more suited to business associates or other non-intimate relationships than to loved ones .

  28. Google只提供了在线客户服务,这让许多用户感到困惑不解,难以亲近。他们为手机无法正常使用发牢骚,并认为手机的定价不合理。

    Confused or alienated by Google 's Web-only customer service , users griped that the phone didn 't work properly and was priced unfairly .

  29. 她曾撰写过一本育儿书,该书讲述了在亲近孩子时荷尔蒙的变化。与此同时,还在《生活大爆炸》中担当主演(扮演谢耳朵的女友Amy)。

    She wrote a parenting book about the hormones involved in bonding with your child , as well as starring in The Big Bang Theory .

  30. 客户与设计师的关系越亲近,为他们做设计就越容易,芝加哥莫尔甘特12539;威尔逊建筑师事务所(MorganteWilsonArchitects)的建筑师埃莉萨12539;莫尔甘特(ElissaMorgante)和弗雷德12539;威尔逊(FredWilson)说。

    The closer a client becomes , the easier it is to design for them , say architects Elissa Morgante and Fred Wilson of Chicago firm Morgante Wilson Architects .