
qīn zǐ ɡuān xì
  • Parent-child relationship;parentage;relation between parents and children
  1. 罗马法中的亲子关系与古代中国法亲子关系之比较

    Comparative Study on Parentage in Roman law and Ancient Chinese Law

  2. 阿哈尔,特克斯注册的亲子关系仅的基础上。

    Akhal-Tekes are registered on the basis of parentage only .

  3. 患忧郁症的母亲有时无法和孩子建立亲子关系。

    Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children .

  4. 但孩子们也是幸福、快乐的来源。及时对育儿进行投资、提升亲子关系是物超所值的。

    but children are also sources of great joy and happiness . Investing in time for parenting and raising relationships is money well spent .

  5. 摘要构建和谐家庭,离不开构建和谐的夫妻关系、亲子关系

    The harmonious family is inseparable from harmonious connubiality , and harmonious parenthood .

  6. 在一个HTML文件中,标签之间有所谓的亲子关系。

    In an HTML document , the tags have parent-child relationships .

  7. 要我拿去做DNA鉴定么?看看能不能确定亲子关系?

    Zach : You want me to try to get a DNA reading ? See if we can prove paternity ?

  8. Gm同种异型在鉴定亲子关系中的应用

    The use of GM allotype in disputed paternity cases

  9. SSR标记鉴定玉米品种亲子关系的研究

    Studies on Identification the Parentage of Corn Variety by Using SSR Markers

  10. 9个STR位点荧光法检测与血型血清学方法鉴定亲子关系的对比研究

    A comparative study of serological method and PCR-STR genotyping method in paternity testing

  11. 利用SSR标记鉴定杂交玉米及其亲本种子真实性和纯度及亲子关系的研究

    Identification of Genuineness , Purity and Parenthood of Hybrid Corn and Its Parents by Using SSR Marker

  12. 目的:对一例经血清学检测难以判断亲子关系的案例应用STR位点多态性进行亲权鉴定。

    Objective A case with serologically ambiguous typing results was typed again by PCR in STR loci for paternity testing .

  13. L上的关系(?)亲子关系的教育哲学分析

    The Study of Parent-child Relationship in the View of Philosophy of Education

  14. 亲子关系排除概率在6PGD和GPI座位点分别为0.1009和0.0912。

    The probability of exclusion of 6 PGD and GPI were , 0.100 % and 0.0912 respectively .

  15. 籼稻胚乳蛋白最高营养pI范围IEF组分相对含量的亲子关系研究

    Study on the relationship between parents and their next generation in the relative content of the PI range IEF components of the highest nutrition of Indica Rice Endosperm Proteins

  16. 结果:1、初中生乐观心理品质在是否担任班干部、年级、生源地、家庭氛围、亲子关系、同伴关系、师生关系上存在显著差异(P0.05)。

    As for the optimistic psychological quality of junior students , there are striking differences among such questions as class cadres , grades , hometown , family atmosphere , family relationship , fellowship , and teacher-student relationship ( P0.05 ) .

  17. 本文就亲子关系的复杂化和AID子女的法律地位、单身妇女可否接受AID、孩子的知情权、精子库管理及近亲繁殖的问题进行探讨。

    This text carries on the discussion on following problems : complicating of parent-offspring relation and legal status of children of AID , whether single women can accept AID , the child 's right of being in know , sperm bank management and inbreeding .

  18. 青少年网络成瘾与亲子关系互动性研究

    The Interaction between the Youth Internet Addiction and the Parent-child Relationship

  19. 青少年期亲子关系研究的回顾与启示

    Review of Research in Parent-adolescent Relationship and Implication for Future Study

  20. 和谐社会中亲子关系的构建

    Construction of the parent - child relation in the harmonious society

  21. 孩子特质的哪些因素影响亲子关系?

    What traits of a child will affect the parent-child relationship ?

  22. 代沟理论下的农村亲子关系及其调适

    The Rural Parenthood and Adjustment Under the Theory of Generation Gap

  23. 《中小学生亲子关系与家庭德育研究》评介

    A Review of Studies on Child-parent Relationship and Moral Education in Families

  24. 中职生的心理健康状况和亲子关系

    Parent - Child Relationship and Mental Health of Vocational Students

  25. 青少年亲子关系研究现状与评价

    Status and evaluation on research of teen-agers ' offspring-parent relations

  26. 现行民法对亲子关系外部调整的缺失与建构

    Deficiency and Construction of External Adjustment of Parentage in Current Civil Law

  27. 鼓励家长与孩子共读故事,促进亲子关系。

    Encourages parents and children to read together to improve parent-child relationship .

  28. 亲子关系与青少年网络游戏行为的相关性调查

    Investigation about Correlation of Parent-Child Relationship and Young People Network Game Behavior

  29. 最后提出了建立农村独生子女家庭良性亲子关系的一些建议。

    Put forward the route of establishing good parent-child relationship .

  30. 劳教男性青少年童年亲子关系的对照研究

    A Comparison Study on Parent-Child Relationships among Juvenile Male Delinquents