
  • 网络FCRA;verbal report;Whole Report
  1. 口语报告法是阅读策略研究的重要方法。

    Verbal report is widely used by researchers in reading strategy research .

  2. 采用实验法、观察法和口语报告法相结合的方式,考察了两类儿童在加法任务中,策略选择和执行的差异及特点。

    Experimental , observational and verbal report procedures were used to compare the characteristics of MD and MN children 's addition strategy choice and performance on addition task .

  3. 在已有研究的基础上,本研究是在积极情绪环境下,采用主观报告法、生物反馈仪和事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨不同的情绪调节策略对愉悦反应的影响。

    Based on previous studies , Subjective reports , biofeedback measurement , and event-related potential ( ERP ) and other techniques were designed to explore the influence which different emotional regulation strategies on the amusement response of college students .

  4. 其次,运用车队报告法技术,检测道路交通事故的发生,通过全球定位系统GPS技术对事故进行及时定位,快速传送交通事故信息至交通控制中心;

    Secondly , the paper studies the procedure of accident detection by the technology of motorcade reporting as well as the means of rapidly transmitting accident information to traffic control center through locating the spot in time by Global Position System ( GPS ) .

  5. 两个研究都采用了事后口语报告法。

    The two studies employed tongue report way in the end .

  6. 口语报告法实施过程的具体步骤;

    The third part deals with the specific procedure in their application .

  7. 此小标题为“公平信用报告法”。

    This title may be cited as the Fair Credit Reporting Act .

  8. 口语报告法的起源及分类;

    The second part briefly discusses the origin and classification of verbal protocols .

  9. 口语报告法在阅读策略研究中的应用

    Verbal Reports in Reading Strategy Research

  10. 本文指出了自我报告法中项目前后关系效应的普遍存在性及其危害性。

    The author presents generalization and harmfulness of item context effects in the self-report measure - ments .

  11. 研究方法主要有口头报告法、访谈法、问卷调查法、认知成分分析法、结构方程模型等。

    Research methods are mainly oral report , interview , survey , cognitive componential analysis , structural equation modeling .

  12. 方法:用社会测量法和自我报告法对285名青少年进行集体测试。

    Methods : Sociometric techniques and self - report instrument were applied collectively to a sample of 285 adolescents .

  13. 运用问卷调查法、情景记忆法和自我报告法,研究运动记忆策略和记忆监控与动作记忆成绩的关系。

    The aims of this paper were to examine the relationships between motor memory strategies , memory monitoring and motor memory .

  14. 美国公正信用报告法及其相关案例分析&对我国消费者隐私权保护的几点建议

    FCRA : Introduction and Relevant Cases Several suggestions on how to protect consumer 's privacy right in China 's credit reporting industry

  15. 本文运用口头报告法对21名被试汉句英译时的动态思维进行研究。

    With the approach to oral report , this article studies the dynamic thinking of 21 objects during the process of Chinese-English translation .

  16. 本文用认知心理学的口语报告法对汉语隐性语篇话题的确定做了个案研究。

    This paper made a case study , with the Verbal Protocol method , into the cognitive process of identifying Chinese text hidden-topics .

  17. 阅读过程研究的常用方法包括实验室研究方法、口头报告法、误差分析法等。

    Research methodology used in studies on reading processes consists of , among others , the chronometrical experimental methods , verbal protocol and miscue analysis .

  18. 采用口语报告法,对20名优秀羽毛球运动员(专家)和22名体育专业大学生(新手)在6种访谈情景中的问题表征特点进行了研究,以期揭示直觉性运动思维的本质特征。

    To explore the characteristics of representations of intuitive sport thinking among elite athletes , 20 experts and 22 novices were involved in simulated competitive situations in badminton .

  19. 从心理语言学角度切入,运用心理学口语报告法对三名被试的英语双重否定句汉译过程进行了个案研究,具体考察了思维过程中元认知和认知策略的应用情况。

    This paper , attempts a psycholinguistic case study of the thinking process of three subjects in the given task of translating English sentences of double negation into Chinese .

  20. 本文阐述了口语报告法,特别是出声思维在阅读策略研究中的应用,同时也讨论了使用口语报告法进行阅读策略研究时应该注意的问题。

    The paper reviewed the application of verbal report methods , especially the thinking-aloud method in reading strategy research , and made suggestions for the effective use of verbal reports .

  21. 因此,本研究以小学教师为研究对象,采用故事情境法、自我报告法和实验法考察小学教师反事实思维及其与行为意向的关系。

    Therefore , in this research we use scenario building method , self-report method and experimental method to discuss primary school teachers ' counterfactual thinking and its relationship with behavioral intention .

  22. 口语报告法,将内部操作的复杂心理活动外部语言化,从而为探测人类认知过程提供了全新视角和有效途径。

    Verbal protocol method requires subjects to verbalize the internal processes of human beings ' complex mind activities , and provide a new perspective and an effective way to probe cognitive processes .

  23. 以此为指导,研究并试验了档案袋法、行为观察法、活动法、学生自我评价法、测验法和学期或学年报告法等过程与结果并重的评价方法;

    Based on it , the thesis did researches and experiences about portfolio assessment , action observation , activities , self-evaluation to students , testing , and terms or semesters ' report .

  24. 基于对物理问题解决表征体系特征的研究,本文用口语报告法,对不同智商水平的被试在解决物理问题过程中表征体系的动态差异进行了实证性研究。

    Based on the study of the physics problem representation system , a further experiment was done to probe into the impact of students ' intelligence on the dynamic feature of the physics problem representation system .

  25. 目前有关孤独心理的研究多采用自我报告法,然而这种研究方法存在着局限性,它无法排除个体期许效应和内省能力的限制对自我报告的影响。

    At present , the usual research methods for loneliness is called self study report , however , there are limitations , and it cannot eliminate the effects of many individuals and introspection ability of the report .

  26. 本文提出,可利用对话式方法对传统的独白式有声思维报告法进行补充,并在实验后采用诸如问卷调查、访谈等方式对其作用效果进行复核等。

    Moreover , it argues that the dialogue mode of TAP can be complementary to the monologue mode , and that some supplementary methods such as questionnaire and interview approach after the TAP experiment can be used to check its efficacy .

  27. 运用报告基因法和凝胶电泳迁移率法(EMSA)分析AP1和NFκB反式激活活性和DNA结合活性,蛋白质印迹检测蛋白质表达;

    Transcriptional and DNA binding activity were analyzed by reporter gene assay and electrophoretic mobility shift assay ( EMSA ) respectively . Western blot was used to determine the protein expression ;

  28. 作者首先报告传染性法氏囊病在保定地区已经存在。

    The authors first reported that there is Infectious Bursal Disease in Baoding region .

  29. 本课题采用的口语报告记录法,专门对语音信息进行记录,然后再行提取、整理和分析。

    The oral report used in empirical research has recorded aloud-information which was extracted 、 neatened and analyzed then .

  30. 方法采用瞬时转染报告基因测定法,测定细胞裂解液荧光素酶活性(p53的转录活性)或Western-blot、免疫共沉淀测定细胞内p53蛋白水平。

    Method Transfection , reporter assay , western blot and autoradiography were performed to determine p53 transcriptional activity and its protein level .