
  • 网络retributivism;retributivist;theory of retribution;lex talionis;lex salica
  1. 古今西方学者有关刑罚之正当理由的思想理论主要有报应主义、工具主义、混合理论。报应主义从刑罚本质去研究刑罚,认为刑罚是对犯罪的报应,报应本身就是刑罚的目的;

    The theories about the warrant of punishment of the western criminal law scholars nowadays and in ancient times consist retributivism , instrumentalism and mixed theory .

  2. 客观主义的思想可以归结为主张罪刑法定、严格的犯罪构成理论、刑罚报应主义,犯罪与刑罚都是围绕行为而展开。

    Objective and ideology can be summarized as advocating the legality , constitute a theory of strict criminal penalty retributivism , crime and punishment are related to actions initiated .

  3. 西方关于刑罚目的的思想主要有报应主义、预防主义、折衷主义。

    The main thoughts of penalty objectives in the west are retributionalism , precautionalism and eclecticism .

  4. 司法中的罪刑均衡原则通过责任要素的介入将报应主义下的罪刑均衡与目的主义下的刑罚个别化原则结合起来,表现为责刑均衡,实现了量刑原则由一元向二元的转变。

    It shows the balance between responsibility and punishment and makes the principle of sentencing discretion transform from mono-element to duality .

  5. 惩罚功利主义主张社会利益最大化;惩罚报应主义主张正义和应得。

    The utilitarian theory insists upon the maximum social benefit from the punishment ; the retributive theory argues for the just and deserving .

  6. 刑法目的是一个古老的命题,人们一直以来仅局限于报应主义和预防主义之争。

    The end of punishment is an ancient topic which is limited in the doctrine of retributive punishment and the prevention of crimes doctrine .

  7. 但是,由于规则功利主义自身的缺陷,以及罗尔斯对传统报应主义、功利主义认识的局限,这种调和的努力被证明是失败的。

    But because of the weakness of rule utilitarianism , the limits of Rawls ' understandings of traditional utilitarian and retributive theories , the reconciliation failed .

  8. 关于刑罚的目的,报应主义、偏重的一般预防都不可取,只有恰当的特殊预防才能达到特殊预防与一般预防的统一。

    To the purpose of penalty , the theory of revenging and the theory of concerning the general prevention are not acceptable . Only Special prevention can get the unity of special prevention and the general prevention .

  9. 由于功利主义注重预防将来可能发生的犯罪,报应主义注重已经发生的犯罪,它们都过于片面,于是出现了折衷主义。

    Because utilitarianism pays great attention the crime which will prevent possibly occurs in the future , the retribution principle will pay great attention the crime which already occurred , they too will be one-sided , therefore presented the eclecticism .

  10. 我国现行法律法规对有前科公民就业资格的剥夺或限制构成了差别对待,从报应刑罚主义和社会防卫的角度来看,这种限制有一定的合理性,但是,实质上这种差别待遇是不合理的。

    From the view of recompense punishment and the safeguarding the security of the society , such kind of limitation has some reasonable basis . However , in fact , such kind of differential treatment is unreasonable .