
yù fánɡ zhǔ yì
  • prevention of crimes doctrine
  1. 刑法目的是一个古老的命题,人们一直以来仅局限于报应主义和预防主义之争。

    The end of punishment is an ancient topic which is limited in the doctrine of retributive punishment and the prevention of crimes doctrine .

  2. 西方关于刑罚目的的思想主要有报应主义、预防主义、折衷主义。

    The main thoughts of penalty objectives in the west are retributionalism , precautionalism and eclecticism .

  3. 我们都知道纤维有助于消化系统的健康和疾病的预防,但素食主义者们每天的摄入量要比建议的摄入量增加了两到三倍。

    We all know that fiber is essential to digestive health and the prevention of disease , but vegetarians are potentially doubling or even tripling the recommended daily amount .

  4. 他们对人生问题思考的价值和意义主要在于:突破了中国传统儒家的社会本位的人生态度,也预防了西方个人主义所可能带来的危害;

    These scholars have made a breakthrough in the traditional Confucian attitude of life based on social status while offering a prevention of the possible harm of western individualism .

  5. 另一方面,一般预防在法治条件下的特点在于:一是通过威慑未来可能犯罪发生保障法效力,二是借助法律的逻辑实现其消极预防为基础、并结合积极预防的双面预防主义。

    The realization of legal retribution depends on law-deciding equivalence between crimes and punishment . On the other hand , features of general prevention are preservation legal power through deterrence of potential crimes in the future and dual prevention of fundamental passive prevention as well as positive prevention .