
  • 网络pre-production;preproduction
  1. 在理想状况下,预生产环境在复杂性和规模方面确切地反映了生产环境(包括专用的防火墙、Web服务器、负载平衡器和其他所需的资源)。

    Ideally , the pre-production environment exactly mirrors the production environment in complexity and in scale ( including dedicated firewalls , Web servers , load balancers and other required resources ) .

  2. 正如前面所提到的,预生产还可能用于用户接受测试。

    As mentioned earlier , pre-production might also be used for User Acceptance Testing .

  3. 最后,它还帮助开发团队和其他预生产(preproduction)用户更好地理解服务使用,促进SOA开发生命周期过程中的管理。

    Finally , it helps the development teams and other preproduction users understand service use , flows and relationships , facilitating management throughout the SOA development life cycle .

  4. 在预生产测试中,应当确定传入和提取速率。

    During pre-production testing , you should determine both the put and get rates .

  5. 该进程所识别的需求可以是预生产测试场景的基础。

    Requirements identified with this process will be the base for the scenarios of the preproduction Test .

  6. 最好有一个具有以下特征的预生产环境

    It is a best practice to ensure that there is a pre-production environment available with the following characteristics

  7. (用户接受测试也可能发生在预生产环境或性能/负载测试环境中)。

    User acceptance testing might also occur in the pre-production environment or the performance / load test environment .

  8. 在任何情况下,在预生产分阶段环境中进行测试通常都符合应用程序的版本安排。

    In any case , testing on a pre-production staging environment generally coincides with an application 's release schedule .

  9. 通常,性能测试人员在运行负载测试时发现预生产环境中的应用服务器中存在瓶颈。

    Often , performance testers find bottlenecks in the application server in the pre-production environment while running load tests .

  10. 每个来自外部的应用程序版本在最后迁移到生产系统之前都必须在预生产系统中进行测试。

    Each external release of the application is tested on the pre-production system before it is finally moved into production .

  11. 这些监控器可用于前瞻性生产监控、问题确认和用户性能监控,并且可用作预生产测试环境工具。

    These monitors are useful for proactive production monitoring , problem identification , and user performance monitoring and as preproduction test environment tools .

  12. 该工艺以特殊的混合机械,将预生产的高脂乳粉与配方中的其他原料干法混合,同时添加营养强化剂。

    The pre-processed high-fatty milk powder and other materials were mixed by special mixing machine and the nutritional fortification substances were added simultaneously .

  13. 有时用来做一个预生产汽车的组件是原型模型和晚一点大批量生产的版本的混合。

    Sometimes the components used to make a pre-production car are a mix between the prototype models and the mass production versions to come later .

  14. 例如,管理人员可以在新的补丁程序和配置更改并入预生产和生产环境之前使用这种环境对它们进行测试。

    For example , the administration staff may use this environment to test new patches and configuration changes before they are rolled into the pre-production and production environments .

  15. 由于系统测试环境、性能测试环境和预生产环境用于测试,所以有一组工具是理想的环境不可或缺的。

    As the system test , performance test and pre-production environments are used for testing , there is a set of tools that no ideal environment should be without .

  16. 利用计算机的预生产,提高了工艺的准确性,对提高企业的经济效益、增强企业的竞争力,具有重要的现实意义。

    Utilizing the pre-producing of computers can advance the precision of technical , which has an important meaning to improve the economical benefits and enhance the competition of the enterprise .

  17. 然后,用户可以将该实例作为一个映像复制,在另外两个池中的一个中重新实例化该实例,以便执行预生产测试;或者在实时生产环境中部署实例。

    They can then copy that instance as an image and re-instantiate it in one of the other pools to perform pre-production testing , or deploy the instance in the live production environment .

  18. 广州水泥厂2000t/d湿磨干烧ILC-E预分解生产线,投产后2年内一直未能达产,1998年3月开始,该厂通过调整配料方案;

    The 2,000 t / d wet grinding-dry burning ILG-E precalcination production line of Guangzhou Cement Plant could not reach its designed production after being put into operation for 2 years .

  19. 上海惠南水厂生物预处理生产试验结果

    Results of Biological Pretreatment Operation Test at Shanghai Huinan Water Plant

  20. 难浸含砷金精矿生物预氧化生产实践

    Operation practice of preliminary biooxidation of refractory arsenical gold concentrate

  21. 立式钢板预处理生产线控制系统的研究

    Study on Control System of Pretreatment Production Line for Vertical Steel Plate

  22. 用无机陶瓷膜预处理生产精对苯二甲酸过程中废水的研究

    Study on PTA Wastewater Pretreatment by Inorganic Ceramic Membrane

  23. 薄板预处理生产线分为抛光除锈、喷漆、烘干等环节,其中喷漆是整条线上最重要的环节,怎样设计出一种合理又可靠的喷漆自动控制系统是关键。

    The sheet metal pretreatment production line consists of eliminating rust , spray-painting and drying .

  24. 介绍了立式钢板预处理生产线的工艺流程及其设备的组成。

    The technical flow of vertical steel plate preprocess line and the composing of equipment are introduced .

  25. PLC和触摸屏在酚醛预浸布生产线中的应用

    Application of PLC & touchscreen in product line of phenolphthalein preliminary-immerged cloth

  26. Fenton法预处理医药生产废水

    Pretreatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater by Fenton Process

  27. USSB反应器预处理聚酯生产废水

    Pretreatment of polyester manufacturing wastewater with a USSB reactor

  28. 使用PLC对预浸布生产线进行多辊速度控制、干燥塔温度控制、收卷纠偏控制,采用变频器对电机速度进行调节;

    The implement of controlling the speed of multi-roller , temperature of dryness tower , rectify a deviation of furl using PLC on product line of preliminary-immerged cloth are introduced in this paper . The speed of motor can be adjusted by adopting transducer .

  29. 勃氏透气仪替代Blaine值测定仪在预焙阳极生产中应用可行性分析测长仪示值误差测量结果不确定度评定


  30. 使用石墨预处理方法生产风电机球墨铸铁件

    Plant Experiment Using Graphitic Pretreatment of Ductile Iron Part for Wind Mill