
  • 网络Pre-Experiment;pretest;pilot study
  1. 在单因素考察及预实验的基础上,选用聚乳酸(PLA)为囊材,通过正交实验制备Tet-PLA肺靶向微球。

    Upon the single factor discovered and pre-experiment basis , the polylactic acid ( PLA ) was used as capsule-loading materials , the orthogonal test was prepared .

  2. 首先进行预实验确定了有时间压力条件下的时间限制条件。

    Firstly , a pre-experiment is conducted to determine the time limited term under time pressure condition .

  3. PCB电磁辐射预实验技术研究

    The Research of Prediction Test to Electromagnetic Radiation of PCB

  4. 方法:在文献和预实验的基础上,确定以CS为载体、戊二醛为固化剂,采用乳化交联固化法制备苦参碱壳聚糖微球。

    Methods : On the basis of scientific literatures and pretesting , chitosan microspheres were prepared using emulsion cross-linking technique with chitosan as carrier and glutaral as curing agent .

  5. 设计了系列预实验对牙釉质剂量学进行探讨,用改进的EPR实验方法重建X线工作者牙齿样品的剂量。

    A series of experiments were designed for EPR dosimetry methodology , the improved experimental method was applied to reconstruct dose for X-ray worker with tooth enamel .

  6. 方法:1.在预实验未能测出LD50的基础上,采用最大耐受量的实验方法,观察PSP对小鼠的急性毒性作用。

    The experiment of the maximally tolerated dose ( MTD ) was used to observe the acute toxicity of PSP in mice . 2 .

  7. 预实验采用辨别任务和检测任务,分别验证正式实验所需时间参数下的IOR效应。

    Preparatory experiments are made to validate IOR with the time parameters of the formal experiments ' needs respectively in detection tasks and in discrimination tasks .

  8. 转染组转染之前通过预实验确定合适的细胞接种密度,转染最佳体系,G418筛选浓度。

    In transfected group , before transfection , our preliminary experiment found the appropriate cell seeding density , the best transfection system , and the appropriate G418 selection concentration .

  9. 乙醇组:给予体积分数为0.5的乙醇(根据预实验结果选用),按4g/(kg·d)剂量灌胃,换算成60kg体质量成人相当于摄入乙醇约30g/d,连续灌胃60d。

    Ethanol group : 0.5 volume fraction ethanol ( selected according to the preliminary experiment results ) was infused by 4 g / kg daily ( equivalent to a 60 kg adult intake 30 g ethanol daily ) for 60 days .

  10. 根据质性访谈、文献回顾结果获得院外实施CPR意愿及影响因素的调查问卷内容条目池,同时以计划行为理论框架为指导初步拟定问卷,进行专家咨询及预实验,并修订问卷。

    According to the qualitative interviews , literature review results obtained questionnaire content item pool of perform CPR willingness and implementation factors outside the hospital , while the theory of planned behavior framework as guidance to the questionnaire , revised the questionnaire based on expert consultation and pre ‐ test .

  11. 临床预实验显示,常规化疗加用浙贝母粉,治疗组完全缓解率显著高于对照组,对难治及复发白血病患者优势更为明显,且能提高Pgp高表达患者临床疗效。

    Clinical preliminary experiment shows that the totally relieving rate of treatment group is significantly higher than that of control group . Its ascendancy is more significant for refractory and recurrent leukemia patients . It can also enhance the curative effect on patients with high Pgp expression .

  12. 本研究通过预实验确定了原生质体制备的工作酶浓度为0.25mg/ml,作用时间为15min,融合子的阳性重组率为1.63%,最终获得了3株可同时表达两亲本血清型的融合子。

    This study identified that the work concentration of protoplast enzyme was 0.25 mg / mL. The work time was 15 min by the pre-experiment . The regeneration rate of the positive fusions was 1.63 % . Ultimately , three fusions which showed simultaneous expression of parent serotypes were obtained .

  13. 在本部分研究之前,我们已经通过预实验证明了对强弱论据操作的有效性。

    We have tested the validation of the argument strength manipulation in advance .

  14. 通过预实验确定100%致死量和0%致死量。

    Determined by pretest from 0 % to 100 % lethal dose lethal dose .

  15. 药品微生物限度检查预实验及方法验证的探讨

    Validate Test for Determination Methods of Microbacteria Limit

  16. 2.4只裸鼠进行成瘤预实验。

    Four nude mice for tumorigenic pre-test .

  17. 方法首先通过预实验从细胞水平和分子水平对病毒进行定量测定。

    Methods On the cell and molecular level , we quantitated the infectivity of viral suspension .

  18. 预实验结果表明,东京枫杨的活性部位为氯仿萃取物。

    The pilot experiments showed that the chloroform extract was the active ingredient of P. tonkinesis .

  19. 结论传播材料在应用到健康促进策略前有必要进行预实验。

    Conclusion It 's necessary for pretest study on health communication materials before implementation of health promotion strategy .

  20. 前期预实验结果表明该药物对多种恶性肿瘤细胞具有明显的抑制增殖和诱导凋亡作用。

    Our preliminary experimental results showed that SPMA could inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of multiple malignant tumors .

  21. 在预实验中,共有被试汉语普通话儿童23名,平均年龄4岁半。

    In the pilot study , subjects are 23 children with a mean age of 4 ; 5 .

  22. 通过组间设计和预实验研究形成了四个版本的研究问卷,并进行了消费者调研。

    Finally , four questionnaire papers are designed by the between-group design and the customer investigation is carried out .

  23. 本研究通过预实验和相关文献资料,界定出定量负荷的强度。

    In this study , through the pre-test and related documents , to define the strength of the quantitative load .

  24. 在本课题预实验的过程中,初步发现多西环素与氟康唑联用对白色念珠菌有一定的协同抗真菌作用。

    In preliminary experiment in our laboratory , we found synergism against planktonic C.albicans by combination of fluconazole and doxycycline .

  25. 结果预实验中行体位静脉转流的原位辅助性部分肝移植的2例受体在肝上下腔静脉阻断后很快陷入血流动力学紊乱死亡。

    Results Two recipients received orthotopic partial liver transplantation with gravity veno-venous bypass died soon after suprahepatic inferior vein was blocked .

  26. 前期我们的预实验发现了阿司匹林减少了癫癎持续状态后自发发作的时间和频率。

    Our preliminary studies showed that aspirin treatment after SE reduced the frequency and duration of spontaneous recurrent seizures ( SRS ) .

  27. 方法先对预实验得出的处方进行筛选,再以黏附力、溶解性作为评价指标进行综合评价,筛选出最佳膜剂配方。

    MethodsBy selecting the pre-test prescription , the best formula was finally determined on the basis of characteristics of conglution and dissolution .

  28. 一家法国新闻披露,之前在狗身上的预实验就发生严重的不良反应,导致许多狗死亡,其余活下来的都有大脑损伤。

    One French news source uncovered a pre-trial that had similar effects on dogs , killing several and leaving others with brain damage .

  29. 黄皮叶乙醇提取物化学成分预实验及对植物病原菌的抑制作用

    Pre-experiment of chemical composition of clausena lansium ( Lour . ) Skeels leafs extracts with ethanol and the antimicrobial effects to plant pathogens

  30. 我们预实验显示麻疹病毒对中枢神经系统播散性肿瘤同样有效。

    We have preliminary data in the lab demonstrating efficacy of measles virus in treating disseminated tumor in a mouse model of CSF disease .