
yù xiān
  • in advance;beforehand;ahead;up front;fore-
预先 [yù xiān]
  • (1) [in advance;beforehand]∶事先

  • 重行李已预先送出

  • (2) [up front]∶事成之前

  • 要求预先得到一百万美金的演员

预先[yù xiān]
  1. 预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。

    Plan your route in advance , using main roads as far as possible .

  2. 如果你预先考虑过面试中提出的问题,就会处于优势。

    You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance .

  3. 你得预先和博物馆联系安排好参观事宜。

    You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum .

  4. 尽量预见你的孩子会干什么,并预先阻止问题发生。

    Try to anticipate what your child will do and forestall problems .

  5. 预先安排好的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。

    The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin .

  6. 分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。

    Each person was given set jobs to do .

  7. 要是我们预先知道这事就好了。

    I wish we 'd known about it beforehand .

  8. 指挥官预先得到敌人要发动袭击的警告。

    The commander had been forewarned of the attack .

  9. 为迎接总统来访,当局已预先进行了安全检查。

    Security checks had been carried out preparatory to the President 's visit .

  10. 你可以预先调好暖气,使它在你需要的时候启动。

    You can preset the radiators to come on when you need them to .

  11. 她没有预先看看自己是否有熨烫好的干净衬衫。

    She hadn 't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt

  12. 预先计划一直是她的习惯。

    Planning ahead had always come as second nature to her

  13. 从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。

    The Prince 's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth

  14. 她坚称将军已经预先知晓了这个阴谋。

    She has maintained that the General had foreknowledge of the plot .

  15. 维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制订计划很困难。

    Peacekeeping , by its nature , makes pre-planning difficult

  16. 他们试图预先判定考察团的发现结果。

    They tried to prejudge the commission 's findings .

  17. 杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题。

    What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question

  18. 预先考虑可能遇到的各种棘手问题,并且自己练习回答。

    Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers

  19. 他预先阻止了所有解雇他的决定。

    He pre-empted any decision to sack him

  20. 这篇访谈在发表以前他就已经知道了,并且实际上还预先阅览过。

    He knew about the interview prior to its publication and had actually previewed the piece

  21. 如果预先准备自己的葬礼,就能选择自己喜欢的鲜花和音乐。

    When you prearrange your funeral , you can pick your own flowers and music .

  22. 这次袭击是预先策划好的。

    The attack was premeditated and preplanned .

  23. 将烤箱预先加热到400度。

    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

  24. 他们一般不会预先通知检查哪座大楼。

    They don 't normally give any advance notice about which building they 're going to inspect

  25. 有些公司预先收费,但我们认为那是不对的。

    Some companies charge a fee up front , but we don 't think that 's right .

  26. 金先生问她是否曾想过要为自己的养老金预先作安排。

    Mr King asked if it had ever occurred to her to make provision for her own pension

  27. 按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。

    Working to a prearranged plan , he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador .

  28. 我在离开之前预先把桌子整理好了,这一点只有我的私人秘书知道。

    I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left , and only my private secretary knows it .

  29. 有一点需要预先声明:他不得参与合并,或以其他方式削弱罗奇家族对该公司的控制。

    There was one caveat : he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family 's control of the firm .

  30. 如果你预先警告我,我就不会那样做了。

    If you had warned me ahead of time , I wouldn 't have done that .