
  1. 介绍了杂化轨道间夹角公式。

    In this paper , the nip angle formula between hybrid orbitals is introduced .

  2. 每一光谱被认为是向量空间的一向量,它们的相似度用向量夹角公式计算得出。

    Spectrogram can be treated as vector of hyperspace , and the similarity between them can be counted according to vectorial angle formula .

  3. 以上述工作为基础,进而导出了行星轮轮齿滚珠与定子螺旋面及转子蜗杆之间的接触线上诱导法曲率以及接触线与相对速度之间夹角计算公式。

    Based on the above results , the calculating formulae of the induced normal curvatures and the angles between the contacting line and direction of the relative sliding speed are introduced .

  4. 首先依据确定平面的几何原理和求解平面夹角的余弦公式,在地心坐标系下,得到发射方位角与发射点、目标点的简洁的解析关系;

    Therefore , based on the geometric principle of plane equation being determined and Cosine formula to calculate the angle of two planes , a simple analytical expression among launching azimuth , launching point and goal point are obtained firstly in the Earth centered Inertial coordinates .

  5. 将HPLC指纹图谱看作多维空间内的向量,利用向量夹角余弦的基本公式计算两个指纹图谱间的相似度。

    HPLC curves was treated as vector of hyperspace , the similarity between them was calculated by using the cosine value of the angle between them .