
yè fēnɡ
  • liquid seal;dip seal;hydroseal
  1. 以液封代替安全阀,大部分管路以焊接方式连接;

    Substituting liquid seal for safety valve ; connecting general pipings with welding way ;

  2. LEC法GaAs中的Si与液封剂B2O3,H2O间的相互作用

    Interaction among Si in LEC GaAs and b_2o_3 and h_2o in the encapsulant

  3. 采用B2O3液封直拉法制备出高电阻率的复合型半绝缘砷化镓。

    The recombination-type semi-insulating gallium arsenide material of high resistivity is prepared by B2O3 liquid encapsulated Czochralski method ( LEC ) .

  4. 利用背液封法制备具有低补偿度的GaAs外延材料

    Preparation of GaAs Epitaxial Material with a Low Compensation Ratio Using a " Back Liquid Encapsulation " Method

  5. 实验的原始材料都是用液封直拉法(LEC)生长的n型非掺InP。

    The raw materials in these experiments are all n-type liquid encapsulated Czochralski-grown ( LEC ) InP .

  6. 高压液封直拉InP单晶的低温光致发光研究

    Low Temperature Photoluminescence Study on LEC-InP Single Crystals

  7. 液封合成与切氏法生长InP单晶

    Liquid Encapsulated Compounding and Czochralski Growth of lnP

  8. 流体动力粘度对液封液桥内Marangoni对流的影响

    Effect of Dynamic Viscosity on Marangoni Convection in Liquid Bridge With Liquid Encapsulation

  9. 研究了非掺GaAs半绝缘单晶的液封垂直梯度凝固法(VGF)生长技术,解决了Si沾污和C浓度的控制问题,得到了直径2英寸非掺半绝缘低位错单晶。

    Total liquid encapsulated vertical gradient freeze ( VGF ) method has been used to grow undoped semi-insulating ( SI ) GaAs crystals . The impurities such as silicon and carbon have been well controlled in the growth process .

  10. 液封液桥内热毛细对流的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of Marangoni convection in liquid bridge with liquid encapsulation

  11. 论述液封在化工生产中的作用。

    The role of liquid sealing in chemical industry is expounded .

  12. 这种新型电极显示出了优异的防止液封效应的能力。

    The novel electrode displays outstanding capability in preventing liquid sealing effect .

  13. 3种不同浓度肝素钠封管液封管效果观察

    Effect on sealing up tubes by using heparin sodium in 3 different concentrations

  14. 煤气湿式静电除尘器排水液封的失效分析

    Malfunctions of Water-Seal on Wet Electrostatic Precipitator For Gas

  15. 微重力下液封液桥内振荡热毛细对流的数值模拟

    Job liquid . Numerical simulation of oscillatory Marangoni flow in encapsulated liquid bridge

  16. 原液压力封管与肝素液封管的效果观察

    Observation on the Effects of Sealing Intravenous Catheter with Pressured Injecta and Heparin Solution

  17. 对水流的接近工业规模的悬挂式自液封降液管进行了扼流试验。

    The chocking experiments of an approximating industrial scale pendant water downcomer was performed .

  18. 储罐液压安全阀液封高度的计算

    Calculation on the Height of Liquid Seal for the Hydraulic Valve of Oil Tank

  19. 外周静脉留置针不同封管液封管效果的研究

    Study on the Effect of the Different Liquids of a Vein Detains the Needle

  20. 液封式器内过滤器放射性废液过滤器研究

    Fluid seal filter for use inside containers A STUDY ON RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE FILTER

  21. 磷铵、硫酸装置中的液封

    Liquid sealing used in AP SA plants

  22. 液封式器内过滤器表面蒸发式空冷器的应用

    Fluid seal filter for use inside containers

  23. 液封转筒式气体流量计

    Liquid selaed drum gas flowmeter

  24. 研究了水封水表和半液封水表在冰冻前后其误差的变化。

    Variations of the errors before and after freezing on water hermetic meter and semi-liquid hermetic meter were investigated .

  25. 汽压控制直拉法生长Ⅲ-Ⅴ族材料的生长与特性&与标准液封直拉法材料的比较

    Growth and Characterization of ⅲ - ⅴ Materials Grown by Vapor-Pressure-Controlled Czochralski Method : Comparison with Standard Liquid-Encapsulated Czochralski Materials

  26. 通过对对比实验结果的分析研究认为:在一定的液封压力下,冷凝器的容积对冷凝的影响较大;

    The results of these comparative experiments show that under a given pressure for liquid_encapsulated the volume of a condenser obviously affects the condensation .

  27. 这种立体结构使液体醇燃料较容易扩散到催化剂层,降低了液封效应,从而使电化学反应的三相界面增大。

    The three-dimensional structure permited liquid alcohol to diffuse into the catalyst layer easier and resulted in large three-phase interface for electrochemical reactions due to the reduction of the liquid sealing effect .

  28. 住宅中室内热水供应及管道安装、排水系统的液封及中水利用是设计中易被忽视的问题,应引起专业人士重视。

    Some problems are usually neglected in housing design such as indoor hot water supply and pipeline installation , liquid sealing of drainage system and reclaimed water utilization ; Professionals should pay attentions to them .

  29. 目的探讨血液粘度对静脉套管针留置时间的影响,比较高血粘度患者在静脉套管针留置期间使用不同封管液封管后的再通效果,以遴选出适宜的浓度。

    Objectives To explore the effect of blood viscosity on indwelling time in patients using intravenous remained trocar . To compare the re pass effect of sealing catheters with different tube sealing solutions in patients with hyperviscosity .

  30. 结果表明所开发的控制方案改善了工艺性能,能很好地抑制干扰,将模具温度维持在最佳值附近,产生液封的体积也得到了明显减少,进而减少了有缺陷轮毂的生产。

    The evaluation results shows that , the control solution developed improved the process performance , could well reject the simulated disturbances and maintain the die temperatures near their optimal values . And the choke volume generated was also reduced , resulting the reduction of defective wheels .