
  • 网络Hydraulic Control Valve
  1. 液压控制阀智能选型系统研制

    Research on intelligent lectotype system for hydraulic control valves

  2. GB/T13852-1992船用液压控制阀技术条件

    General specification of hydraulic control valves for ship

  3. CAD技术在矿用液压控制阀设计中的应用

    Application of CAD in Design of Hydraulic Pressure Controlled Value in Ores

  4. 液力减速器液压控制阀的三维流场数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of 3-D Flow through the Control Valve of Hydraulic Retarder

  5. 通过大量的实验,充分验证了改进后液压控制阀块的优越性能。

    The experiment results demonstrate the advantages of the improved hydraulic manifold .

  6. 纯水液压控制阀耐久性实验研究与故障分析

    Study on the Life of the Water Hydraulic Control Valves and Malfunction Analysis

  7. 并且利用Pro/Engeer三维设计软件对改进后液压控制阀块进行了建模仿真;

    The hydraulic control manifold was modelled by Pro / Engeer three-dimension modeling software .

  8. 对纯水液压控制阀的研究现状进行了论述。

    The paper deals with the development of water hydraulic valve at home and abroad .

  9. 纯水液压控制阀是纯水液压系统的重要关键基础元件。

    Water hydraulic control valves are important and the key base components in water hydraulic system .

  10. 纯水液压控制阀的研制

    Development of Water Hydraulic Control Valves

  11. 纯水液压控制阀研究进展

    Development Review of Water Hydraulic Valve

  12. 通过详细分析和比较电插头机械手改进前后液压控制阀块的设计方案,对原有液压控制阀块重新进行了改进优化设计。

    The design project of the hydraulic control manifold before and after improved was analyzed and compared .

  13. “电液集成块”与现有的液压控制阀相比,具有构成灵活、使用方便、价格低廉、体积小等特点。

    Electrohydraulic integrated block has some advantages , flexible constitution , convenient to use , low price and compact construction , over existing hydraulic control valves .

  14. 因此需要充分考虑水介质特殊的理化性能,从材料、密封形式选择、新型结构设计、加工制造等方面入手,才能研制出性能优良的纯水液压控制阀。

    In order to improve the dynamic and static performances of water hydraulic control valves , new operation principles and internal structures of valves must be applied .

  15. 锥阀在液压控制阀中占重要地位,广泛应用于螺纹插装阀、二通插装阀以及其他传统非插装式控制阀。

    As one of the most important hydraulic control valves , poppet valves are widely used in cartridge valves , two-way cartridge valves and other traditional non-cartridge valves .

  16. 液压控制阀是液压系统的核心控制元件之一,其性能好坏将直接影响执行元件的静、动态特性及系统的整体性能。

    Hydraulic valves are the core control components in hydraulic system , its perfor-mance will impact on the static and dynamic characteristics of actuating elements and hydraulic system .

  17. 液压控制阀作为液压执行器的核心控制单元之一直接影响到液压执行器的静特性、动特性及工作可靠性。

    As one of the key control components in a hydraulic actuator system , hydraulic valves will affect the static and dynamic characteristics and the reliability of the hydraulic system .

  18. 并且也将液压控制阀和变频器通过无线网络与电脑主机相连,达到了无线检测与控制钻进参数的目的。

    Hydraulic control valve and transducer connected to the host computer through a wireless network . The drilling parameter of test equipment could be monitored and controlled automatically by computer .

  19. 本文在对大量液压控制阀分析、归纳的基础上,建立了液压控制阀的数据库和选型知识库,开发了液压控制阀智能选型系统。

    This paper establishes data base and lectotype inventory of hydraulic control valves , and develops intelligent lectotype system of the valves based on a large amount of analysis and induction to the valves .

  20. 因此寻求一种结构简单、动作可靠、易于控制、响应快的液压控制阀是液压执行器急于解决的问题。

    In order to improve the performance of the hydraulic actuator systems , it is urgent to find one kind of hydraulic valves with simple structure , high reliability , easy controllability , and high response .

  21. 阐述了纯水液压控制阀的研究现状、关键问题;给出了本论文纯水液压控制阀研究存在的技术难点及研究的目的、意义。对纯水液压控制阀的研究现状进行了论述。

    The present statuses of water hydraulic valve , the key problems are described as well as intention , meaning of the thesis . The paper deals with the development of water hydraulic valve at home and abroad .

  22. 从密封与润滑形式、气蚀抑制措施及材料选择三方面介绍了研制纯水液压控制阀的关键技术,就水介质引起的主要问题及其对液压控制阀的影响、采取的主要措施加以具体阐述;

    The key technologies were introduced from the aspect of seal and lubrication structure , cavitation resistance , materials . The primary matter and impacts on configuration were described due to medium transformation , and the prevention measures were expatiated .

  23. 同时,为了使自动离合器系统结构集成化,设计了一种新型的液压控制阀&数字复合阀,该阀集节流阀、换向阀和溢流阀于一体,因而具有节流、换向、卸荷的作用。

    At the same time , in order to make the system of automobile clutch more integrated , this paper presents a design of a new kind of digital combination valve with the function of throttling , reversing and unloading .

  24. 本文针对现有压力伺服阀的不足之处,利用毛细阻尼管的调压原理和滑阀阀芯的双自由度运动设计制造了一种新型差压式液压控制阀。

    In this paper , directing against the insufficiency of present pressure servo valve , a new type of pressure difference valve is designed utilizing the ideas that pressure distribution technique in a capillary tube damper and two freedom of spool .

  25. 船用液压控制平衡阀

    Marine hydraulic control balance valve

  26. 电动液压伺服控制阀

    Electrohydraulic servo control valve

  27. GIS中断路器液压系统控制主阀的复位方法

    Reset Mothed of Control Main Valve of the Breaker Hydraulic System in GIS

  28. 建立了CVT液压系统速比控制阀和夹紧力控制阀的功率键合图模型、数学模型和仿真模型,仿真结果表明速比控制阀和夹紧力控制阀的性能满足CVT液压系统的要求。

    The model of power bond , mathematics , simulation of speed tatio valve and clamping force valve is built , The simulation results indicate that peed tatio valve and clamping force valve can fulfil the hydraulic system of CVT .

  29. 对调制器的液压控制过程及阀系运动进行了初步模拟,显示出调制器主阀和控制阀协调振动工作的可行性。

    The dynamic working procedure of the modulator was simulated .

  30. 本研究用普通的三位四通液压电磁开关阀作为控制阀,应用PWM脉宽调制技术,采用线性二次型最优控制原理,实现了推拉式气垫运载平台行驶过程中各种位姿的精确定位。

    Normal electromagnetic valve is used as the control valve in the study Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM ) method and linear optimal control principle are applied here to achieve the accurate location in walking process of pushing-pulling air-cushion platform .