
  • 网络the daily prophet
  1. 巫师世界有份报纸叫做《预言家日报》。

    The newspaper of the wizarding world is called the daily prophet .

  2. 我帮《预言家日报》写报导。

    I write for the Daily prophet .

  3. “不过《预言家日报》说&”罗恩的话没说完,赫敏就制止了他,“嘘!”

    Although the prophet says * Began ron , but Hermione said ," shh !"

  4. 在第五年,拉文德一开始相信了《预言家日报》上对哈利的讥讽,但赫敏让她闭上了嘴。

    In their fifth year , Lavender initially believed the Daily Prophet 's insinuations about Harry , but Hermione shut her up ( OP12 ) .

  5. 她才是最初被选为饰演《预言家日报》记者丽塔•斯基特的人。派克拒绝了这个角色,原因是不想扮演一个八卦记者。

    Pike , who starred in An Education last year , was the first choice to play Skeeter , but she said no to playing the nosy journalist .

  6. 他问《预言家日报》的那个家伙能不能把打架的事也写进报道——他说这能造成轰动。”

    He was asking that bloke from the Daily Prophet if he 'd be able to work the fight into his report - said it was all publicity - "

  7. 哈利坐在一边思考这个问题,而海格在读他的报纸《预言家日报》,哈利从他姨夫那儿知道当人们遇到问题时就会一个人呆在一边,但这的确太困难了,从他出生到现在还从没遇到过这么多的问题。

    Harry sat and thought about this while Hagrid read his newspaper , the Daily Prophet . Harry had learned from Uncle Vernon that people liked to be left alone while they did this , but it was very difficult , he 'd never had so many questions in his life .