
yù chōng diàn
  • precharge
预充电[yù chōng diàn]
  1. 论述了主存储器访问操作中的bank预充电、row激活、column读写的访问调度技术。

    A memory access scheduling is discussed in this paper . Memory access includes bank precharge , row activation and column access .

  2. 新型高速高精度CMOS预充电比较器

    A Novel High-Speed High-Accuracy CMOS Precharge Comparator

  3. 多重化CSI预充电过程研究

    Research on the pre charge procedure of multiple CSI

  4. 地址A10用于选择是否自动预充电。

    The value of A10 determines whether or not auto precharge is used .

  5. 该ROM采用本文提出的带充电补偿电路的选择性预充电结构,取得了明显的功耗优化效果。

    A new selective precharge structure with charge compensation circuit proposed in this paper was adopted , and the power dissipation was significantly reduced .

  6. 文章通过实验指出:选择性能良好的负极合金材料、选用接枝聚丙烯隔膜及贮存前对电池进行预充电等方法,均可以提高MHNi电池的贮存性能。

    The experimental results in this paper indicate that the storage performance of Ni-MH cell can be improved by means of using proper alloy , polypropylene separator and pre-charge prior to storage .

  7. 为了改善CSI多重化的输出电流波形,本文提出一种可同时对各逆变器预充电、简单、可靠的独立电源CSI多重化的可逆脉冲分配器。

    In order to ensure to improve the output current waveform of CSI multiplicity , a simultaneous precharging each invertor , simple , reliable RPD for independent source CSI multiplicity is presented in this paper .

  8. 预充电对储氢电极活化的影响

    The Influence of Precharge Process on Activation of Metal Hydride Electrodes

  9. 机车牵引变流器预充电电阻的参数设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of precharge resistor in locomotive traction converter

  10. 物理方法活化富铈贮氢合金及其预充电

    Physical activation and precharge of Ce rich hydrogen storage alloy

  11. 一种高速自控预充电灵敏放大器的设计

    Design of a High-Speed and Automatically Swiched Precharge Sense Amplifier

  12. 基于预充电的电容器组投切控制策略

    Shunt capacitor bank switching strategy based on precharge circuit

  13. 金属氢化物/镍电池预充电新方法的探索

    Study of Pre-Charge Problem of Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery

  14. 检查预充电装置:如果电压低的话,再冲电或安装一个新的。

    Check precharge : if low , recharge it or install a new one .

  15. 在设计中采用了预充电及平衡技术,分段译码等技术。

    The technologies of precharge and balance , subsection decoding etc are used in the design .

  16. 对直流侧电容预充电和不预充电两种情况进行了仿真。

    On the situations of DC side capacitor pre-charge and non-pre-charge , PWM rectifier were simulated .

  17. 这个行在有效后,一直有效到预充电指令到来。

    This row remains active for column access until a precharge command is issued to that bank .

  18. 由于已经有预充电适用于验电器,额外收取很少引起的反应。

    As there was already pre-charge applied to the electroscope , an additional little charge caused reaction .

  19. 如果选择自动预充电,那么在读操作结束后该行自动充电;

    If auto-precharge is selected , the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the read burst ;

  20. 预充电模块和主接触器控制电机控制器等部件的高压输入,提出高压电回路控制逻辑,确定了电机控制器高压输入回路的接通与断开条件。

    The switched condition of high-voltage input circuit for motor controller was determined by developing loop control logic of high voltage .

  21. 使用预充电指令的缺陷在于,需要命令和地址总线在合适的时间处于可操控状态时,才能够发出预充电指令。

    The disadvantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it requires that the command and address buses be available at the appropriate time to issue the command ;

  22. 设计中采用了诸如存储阵列分块技术,地址探测技术,预充电及平衡技术,分段译码技术,分级敏感放大器等一些新技术。

    Some new technologies such as dividing the memory array into separated sub-arrays , ATD , pre-charge and balance , subsection decoding , multilevel sense amplifier , etc have been used .

  23. 通过在预充电阶段将输出信号预充至逻辑值1来避免电路级联时的电荷再分配问题。

    The output was always brought to logic 1 during the precharge phase to avoid charge sharing in cascaded gates in the proposed scheme , so that the disadvantage of buffering between stages was eliminated .

  24. 在预充电阶段,判断蓄电池是否满足快速充电条件,当不满足时,采用小电流恒流对蓄电池充电,直到满足快速充电条件时结束这一过程。

    During the pre-charging stage , whether the storage battery met the fast charging conditions was judged . If not , the small constant current was adopted to charge the storage battery until the fast charging conditions were met .

  25. 分析了正极板开裂的原因以及预化成时充电时间、过充电和洗涤工艺对正极板开裂的影响;

    The causes of cracking and the effects of charge time , over-charge and the washing process on cracking of positive plate were analyzed in this paper .