
ɡāo kě yònɡ xìnɡ
  • high availability
  1. 基于高可用性负载均衡的Web票务平台研究

    Research of web tickets platform based on high availability load balancing

  2. 随着软件业的高速发展,高可用性(HighAvailability,HA)越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the rapid development of software technology , high availability becomes very important .

  3. 可定制高可用性Web应用程序界面的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of highly usable and customizable web application user interface

  4. MessageBroker的高可用性特性能够应对这种场景。

    Message Broker 's high availability features can handle such a scenario .

  5. watchdog应用程序被称为高可用性控制器(HighAvailabilityController,HAC)。

    The watchdog application is called HAC , High Availability Controller .

  6. 随着越来越多商业关键型应用程序转移到Internet上,提供高可用性服务变得日趋重要。

    As more and more critical commercial applications move onto the Internet , providing highly available services becomes increasingly important .

  7. 基于Web高可用性PDM体系结构

    Web - based high available PDM architecture

  8. 银行ERP系统高可用性历史镜像系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of High-available Historical Mirror Image System of ERP System in Banks

  9. InformixGrowthEdition支持两个任何类型的高可用性集群辅助节点。

    Informix Growth Edition supports up to two high-availability cluster secondary nodes of any type .

  10. 高可用性(HA)是云基础架构的一个重要特征。

    High availability ( HA ) is an essential feature of cloud infrastructure .

  11. 当WebSphereApplicationServer中的高可用性管理系统非常繁忙时,可能会出现发送会话失败的情况。

    When the high availability management system in WebSphere Application Server gets very busy , a failure to send the session might occur .

  12. 如果在高可用性环境中安装了MessageBroker,而未安装ProcessServer,则可能会影响您的决策。

    If Message Broker is installed in a high-availability environment , but Process Server is not , that might sway your decision .

  13. 创建高可用性(HA)集群

    Create the high availability ( HA ) farm

  14. 移动自组网中SIP应用的高可用性研究

    Highly Availability Research on SIP Application in Ad hoc Networks

  15. 当您需要一个更加健壮的高可用性环境时,您应该在每个ApplicationServer实例中配置一个辅助的闲置容器来过渡故障。

    When you require a more robust high availability environment , you should configure a secondary idle container on each Application Server instance for the rollover to fail to .

  16. 基于AIX平台的高可用性集群技术的实现

    Actualization of High Availability Cluster Technology Based on the AIX Platform

  17. 3G网络视频平台高可用性

    High Availability in the 3G Video Service Platform

  18. 通过一个对等-主LDAP服务器维持高可用性。

    High availability is maintained by having a peer-master LDAP server .

  19. 高可用性和性能在SOA集成解决方案中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    High availability and performance play more and more of an important role in the SOA integration solution .

  20. 关键的挑战是在大型的、高可用性的SOA实现中有效的引用及配置数据发布。

    A key challenge is effective reference and configuration data distribution in large and highly available SOA implementations .

  21. DB2在AIX上针对高可用性的设计

    Designing for High Availability of DB2 on AIX

  22. 不幸的是,很多现成即用(off-the-shelf)的高可用性(highavailability,HA)解决方案价格昂贵,而且需要专门技术。

    Unfortunately , many off-the-shelf solutions for high availability ( HA ) are expensive and require expertise .

  23. 例如,备份和恢复设施(包括用于故障恢复的高可用性数据复制)都支持XML列中存储的文档。

    For example , backup and restore facilities including high availability data replication for failover situations all support documents stored in XML columns .

  24. 数据的高可用性是保证P2P存储系统发展和应用的基础。

    High data availability is the basis of ensuring the development and applications of P2P storage systems .

  25. DB2Express支持高可用性(HA)架构,比如HA集群技术和日志传输。

    DB2 Express supports high availability ( HA ) architectures like HA clustering technologies and log shipping .

  26. 日志分析是DB2RecoveryExpert的一个强大组件,可帮助您在保持数据完整性的情况下维护高可用性和完全控制。

    Log analysis is a powerful component of DB2 Recovery Expert that helps you maintain high availability and complete control over data integrity .

  27. 基于SSI(SingleSystemImage)技术的轻量级任务迁移等机制,实现了集群测控系统高可用性和资源重组的强实时性要求。

    This method realizes high usability and strong real-time demand of resource recomposition by using lightweight task-migration mechanism based on SSI ( Single System Image ) technology .

  28. 支持高可用性多节点活动集群(MACH)

    Support for multi-node active cluster for high availability ( MACH )

  29. WebSphereJDBCAdapter可以确保在入站服务中处理事件交付时的高可用性。

    WebSphere JDBC Adapter can ensure high availability when processing events delivery in the inbound service .

  30. AmazonSimpleQueueServices(AmazonSQS)是一个支持Web服务的高可用性可伸缩消息队列。

    Amazon Simple Queue Services ( Amazon SQS ) is a highly available and scalable message queue that is Web services-enabled .