
  • 网络memory word
  1. 你现在按照一定模式一位一位的进行排列,如果你组成块,8位一个单位,这时候我们就可以存储字和句子以及段落。

    And now that you have patterns of bits after bits after bits , and if you chunk them up into say , eight-unit quantities , now can you start storing words and sentences , and paragraphs .

  2. 在阐述ES4541逻辑分析仪系统软件组成结构的基础上详细论述了逻辑分析仪软件设计中的面板控制、存储限定字功能实现、GPIB通讯程序设计,最后,就系统软件的调试进行了论述。

    The design of the control function and the GPIB communication of system software . At last the dissertation deals with the debugging of the system program .

  3. 对于像“ChristopherReeve”一样的字符串,您或许无法在我们的语言中将所有的演员姓名存储为保留字。

    For strings like " Christopher Reeve ", you cannot possibly set aside all the names of actors as reserved words in our language .

  4. 新程序状态存储区指示字

    New program status area pointer

  5. 计算机的一种寄存器,它能存储一个字,这个字可以在一条指令执行前对它进行修改。

    A computer register that has the capability of storing a word which can change an instruction before it is carried out by the computer .

  6. 文章从西夏字的字形存储、曲线轮廓字的形成进行了系统的研究。

    The paper studies on the Xixia characters s style of character storage and curvaceous outline .

  7. 这计算机的基本存储量为8192字,或8191个存储单元,编号是从0到8191。

    This computer has a basic store of 8192 words or locations , which are numbered 0 to 8192 .

  8. 而little-endian意味着最低位字节存储在最低地址(按低位优先的顺序存储字)。

    Little-endian means that the least significant byte has the lowest address ( the word is stored little-end-first ) .