
  1. 音乐是为了人们的情感表达和宣泄而产生和存在的艺术。

    Music is the art for human to express and dead off feelings .

  2. 变形是一种普遍存在的艺术法则。

    Deformation is a general artistic rule .

  3. 在欧洲,数百年中,宗教艺术几乎是唯一存在的艺术形式。

    For hundreds of years in Europe , religious art was almost the only type of art that existed .

  4. 欧洲的几百年里,宗教艺术几乎成了唯一存在的艺术形式。

    For hundreds of years in Europe , religious art had been almost the only type of art that existed .

  5. 但当下对于此类人物形象的研究资料相对较少,研究者们长期忽略了这类艺术形象存在的艺术价值。

    However , the present studies is relatively little for such characters . Researchers have ignored the artistic value existence of such artistic images for a long time .

  6. 从这个点出发,笔者最大的心愿即穿越马原小说的叙述圈套、探求文本叙述背后的意味性、拓展小说存在的艺术空间。

    From this point of view , I wish that Ma Yuan 's trap described in the original novel , and explore the meaning of the text describes the rationale behind , and explore the art of fiction space exist .

  7. 要真正理解李商隐的无题诗,既要从历史的角度去分析,更要注意从客观存在的艺术形象以及作者的创作个性等方面全面研究。

    To truly understand his No Title , one not only has to analyze it in the historical point of view , but also has to study it in the aspect of its existing artistic image and the authors creative personality , ect .

  8. 但小说也存在明显的艺术缺憾。

    But the novel are also obvious art of regret .

  9. 在世界各民族民间传统服饰艺术中,有一种独特而又普遍存在的装饰艺术形式&护身装饰品,民间又称其为护身符。

    Protective ornament , or amulet among the people , is a distinctive and widespread decorative artistic form in the worldwide traditional dress art .

  10. 雕塑是体感、量感、质感的艺术,这句话用抽象的术语表述出来,也就是,雕塑是“存在”的艺术。

    Sculpture is the art of the sence of volume , the sence of quantity and the sence of texture . To express in more abstract terms , sculpture is the art of " existence " .

  11. 本文肯定了行为艺术与道德并不冲突,阐释了行为艺术被人们一直忽视了的严肃探索性品格:对人的存在困惑的艺术追问。

    This paper argues that there is no conflict between behavior art and morals and points out a long-neglected aspect of this art , i.e. its quality of serious exploration , which portrays the artist 's puzzle about human existence and his questioning .

  12. 色彩对于人们来说有着特殊的感染力和影响力,从写意人物画的角度来说,色彩不仅仅是绘画作品中可有可无的表现方式,更是具有独立存在意义的艺术语言。

    The color has a special appeal and influence for the people . From the perspective of freehand figure painting , color is not only an important Performance way in painting works , but also is the artistic language which has the meaning of existence independent .

  13. 作为存在论的音乐艺术现象学活动,本质上便是一个时代民族精神的表现。

    Ontologically , music-phenomenological activity is essentially display of the national spirit of an era .

  14. 孤独的存在,孤独的艺术&《饥饿的艺术家》解读

    Lonely Existence , Lonely Art

  15. 艺术:无神世界的生命存在&尼采的艺术形而上学与现代性问题

    Art as the Existence of Life in a Godless World : Nietzschean Metaphysics of Arts and the Modernity Issues

  16. 艺术教学艺术还需把握好自己的审美实践尺度,也就是把握好艺术教学中切实存在的,彰显艺术教学审美特质的关系。

    We also need a good grasp of the aesthetic practice scale about art teaching art , that is , a good grasp of the relationship which exists in the art teaching and highlight the aesthetic qualities .

  17. 媒介对艺术生产的影响时当代艺术中已经成为一个赫然存在的事实,艺术理论必须回应现代传媒发展给艺术生产带来的新的变化,对之进行必要的理论阐释。

    Medium to artistic production influence when in contemporary art already became the fact which exists impressively , the artistic theory must respond the modern media development the new change which brings for the artistic production , carries on the essential theory explanation to it .

  18. 存在之思中的艺术是什么&海德格尔艺术作品本源论之启示

    What Is Art in Existence ? & A revelation from Heidegger 's origin of art work

  19. 这使得他对艺术真实的理解与从存在论产生的对艺术真实的理解能够互相阐释。

    This made his understanding and the ontological understanding of arts reality can explain each other .

  20. 只有这样,戏剧才能更好地体现其自身存在的价值,这种艺术结构也是文学样式多样化原则的体现。

    This is the existence value of the drama , and it is also the reflection of the literary diversification .

  21. 结合现有开发流程中存在的问题,提出艺术与工程之间无缝衔接的实现途径。

    According to the problems in the existing development process , propose ways to realize seamless connection between art and engineering .

  22. 在经济飞速发展的今天,民间工艺品的存在有着独特的艺术、文化及经济价值。

    The folk arts occupy a vital statue with their unique artistic , cultural and economic value at the circumstances of rapid economic development .

  23. 没有反思就没有建构,如果回顾中国曾经有过前述那三种状态的“现实主义艺术”,可以看到我们实际存在的“现实主义艺术”和我们应该有的“现实主义艺术”的距离。

    If looking back upon the three different statuses of realism art in China mentioned above , we can see the distance between actual existed realism art and the realism art we should have .

  24. 尤其当计算机技术被引人电影领域及数字化时代的到来,使得电影片头这种早就存在于电影之中的艺术形式发生了质的飞跃。

    Especially when the field of computer technology is source of film and the advent of the digital age . makes films that already exists in the movies art form there has been a qualitative leap forward .

  25. 最后对全文概括总结,进一步阐述本文的观点:陶井是以汉代生活中的水井为原型,但是也存在一定的夸张或艺术加工,源于生活同时又高于生活。

    Finally , there is the summary and conclusion , which is the pottery wells are not only the prototype of real wells in life , but also mixing with the exaggeration or artistic processing in Han dynasty .

  26. 对1980~2004年发表于各类体育专业期刊上艺术体操选材方面的文章进行系统研究,分析这一领域的现状和存在的问题,探讨艺术体操选材研究的发展方向。

    The article analyzed the papers focusing on eurhythmics which published in various sport journals in 1980 ~ 2004 , probed into the quo state and the current problems and the direction of the research on eurhythmics talents selection .

  27. 在艺术存在的原始阶段,艺术明显地体现出艺术与技术一体化的特征,表现为物质生产与精神生产的一体化、工具实用性与审美愉悦性及技与艺的统一。

    The original stage in art exists , art obviously reflects the characteristics of art and technology integration , expression is the material production and the spiritual production integration , tool practicability and aesthetic pleasure and the unity of technology and art .

  28. 以往以艺术家为主体、以读图为主导体验方式不同,剧场化空间中的艺术注重观众的参与以及综合体验,与客观的作品和存在的空间共同组成艺术的有机部分。

    The artist as the main body , to interpret the images as the leading experience in different ways , the theatre space art focus on audience participation and experience , the organic part and objective work and existing space composed of art .

  29. 甚至可以说,存在怎样的几何学,就存在怎样的视觉艺术表现形式。

    Thus we can even to say , what kinds of geometry we have , and what kinds of visual art expressing form exists .

  30. 艺术有两种截然不同的存在形态,作为生活“异在”呈现的艺术,蕴含着“珍爱生命积极生活感悟存在”的艺术伦理;

    There exist two kinds of forms in art , one is the different being of presenting life which bears the art ethic of cherishing life , living actively and sensing Being ;