
  1. 整个系统的设计目的是通过粮食存储确保价格稳定,或在发生自然灾害时使用。

    The system is designed to keep grains to stabilise prices or for use in case of a natural disaster .

  2. 的内存级数据库来存储股票价格信息,通过这个数据库,可以很快的把需要的信息读出来,并且进行投资决策。

    Investment houses use TimesTen to store current stock price information , for example , which they need to quickly make trading decisions .

  3. 在做出上述决定之际,由于存储芯片价格持续下滑,两家公司已连续第五个季度出现净亏损。

    The decisions came as the two companies reported their fifth consecutive quarterly net losses after a continued slide in memory chip prices .

  4. 目前大部分装饰公司都拥有自己的报价体系,一般使用Word和Excel来存储装修的价格和制作工艺等信息,使用的时候需要去复制相应的数据。

    Now most decoration companies have their own quotation systems and usually store the information of decoration price and the manufacture technology with Word and Excel . Employees copy the relative data when they need them .

  5. 中国本月下调了国家临时存储玉米收购价格,但所维持的最低收购价仍远高于国际市场价格。

    China this month cut the price at which its state reserves buy corn , but maintained the minimum price well above international market prices .

  6. iPhone7的售价将为649美元,两年分期付款的话则是每月27美元,存储容量比类似价格的6S增加了一倍。

    The iPhone 7 will cost $ 649 , or $ 27 a month on a two-year instalment plan , with doubled storage over the similarly priced 6S .

  7. 供应过剩加上去年的全球经济危机,导致主要用于个人电脑临时记忆存储的D-Ram芯片价格急剧下跌。

    A supply glut combined with the global economic crisis last year saw prices plunge sharply for the chip , which is mainly used in PCs to temporarily store memory .

  8. 这是个站点引擎,用于生成建筑材料存储产品的实时价格比较信息。

    A website engine designed to generate realtime price comparisons of brick-and-mortar store products .

  9. 但是,数字存储示波器的高价格,又让这种趋势得到了一定程度的抑制。

    However , the high price of digital storage oscilloscope makes this trend to a certain degree of inhibition .

  10. 尽管存储设备的销售价格在不断地下降,但远远赶不上企业内部产生和需要保存数据的攀升速度。

    Although the price of the storage device is declining all the time , it cannot catch up with the speed of the new data production .

  11. 在此基础上提出求解最优存储策略和最优价格的方法,并运用遗传算法进行数值计算和分析。

    Then a method for computing the optimal inventory policy and the optimal price are obtained based on the genetic algorithms . Finally , some numerical analyses are made .

  12. 相对于传统的存储技术,NANDFlash具有体积小、功耗低、重量轻、存储量大、价格低等优势,很快从众多的存储技术中脱颖而出。

    Compared with traditional storage technology , NAND Flash has small size , low power consumption , light weight , large memory capacity and low price advantage , and soon from a number of storage technologies to the fore .

  13. 附网存储(NAS)和存储区域网(SAN)这两种网络存储方式有效地解决了大规模网络存储问题,但是添加这样的存储设备,价格昂贵。

    Today , there are two ways : Network Attached Storage ( NAS ) and Storage Area Network ( SAN ) can solve the problem of large-scalable network storage efficiently , but it is too expensive for general user to purchase such productions .

  14. 存储设备/介质基本参数指标比较包括平均介质装/卸载时间、平均读写率、平均访问时间、平均数据传输率、以及驱动器/存储介质价格和系统兼容性。

    Parameters comparing for storage devices / media is implemented on load / unload time , read / write time , access time , data transfer rate , price and compatibility .