
  • 网络Backup time;Backup Window
  1. 因此,IBM能够修改备份时间和备份量需求以适应降低的数量。

    Therefore , IBM was able to modify backup times and backup volume requirements to accommodate the decreased volume .

  2. 在完全实现DAOS之后,备份时间大大降低。

    After DAOS was fully implemented , backup times were dramatically reduced .

  3. 如果为DAOS启用了延期删除,那么将延期时间间隔设置为长于备份时间间隔。

    If you are using deferred deletion with DAOS , set the interval to longer than the interval between your backups .

  4. 可以根据备份时间戳恢复特定的映像。

    Specific images can be restored according to its backup timestamp .

  5. 降低了备份时间,因为附件所用的单独存储空间可以进行增量备份

    Reducing backup times because the separate storage space used for attachments can be incrementally backed up

  6. 解释:距离源服务器上一次事务日志备份时间的最长期限。

    Explanation : Maximum elapsed time since that last transaction log backup was made on the source server .

  7. 在这里,您可以打开或关闭自动更新,一套备份时间窗口的数量备份存储在服务器上。

    Here you can turn on or off automatic updates , set the backup time window and the number of backups to store on the server .

  8. 因此,恢复要基于备份时间戳以确保能够恢复最后的备份映像,这样,就可以最小化数据丢失。

    Therefore , the restore will be according to the backup timestamp to ensure the latest backup image is restored in order to minimize the loss of data .

  9. 请选择进行备份的时间。

    Select the days when you want the backup to run .

  10. 这个数据库上次备份的时间戳。

    Last timestamp this database was backed up .

  11. 在这个页面上,可以设置在线和离线备份维护时间窗。

    At this page , both online and offline backup maintenance windows can be set .

  12. 从备份的时间上看,可以分为同步备份和异步备份。

    Synchronous backup and asynchronous backup .

  13. 在线备份和时间点恢复

    Online backups and point-in-time restores

  14. 通常,备份的时间间隔由事务量和在发生硬件故障时能够接受的数据损失量决定。

    Oftentimes , the interval for backup is determined by the amount of transactions and acceptance of data lost in the event of hardware failure .

  15. 对于Windows系统映像,-rm-win-swap-hib选项非常有助于保存备份和恢复时间,它的做法是排除swap和hibernation文件。

    For a Windows system image , the option-rm-win-swap-hib saves backup and restore time by excluding the swap and hibernation files .

  16. 作为一名DBA,业务规则通常会决定您应该保留备份副本的时间长度。

    As a DBA , business rules will usually dictate how long you should keep backup copies .

  17. MFT中还包含如文件创建、修改和备份日期和时间等信息。

    The MFT also contains information such as file creation , modification , and backup dates and times .

  18. 而且,通过使用DPF,可以显著缩短备份和恢复时间,因为每台参与分区的机器需要处理的数据量更小了。

    Furthermore , backup and recovery times can be significantly reduced when using DPF , due to the smaller amounts of data that each partitioning machine would be dealing with .

  19. 辅助服务器最近一次复制和还原备份文件的时间。

    When the secondary servers last copied and restored the backup files .

  20. 检查媒体集名称和备份集到期时间

    Check media set name and backup set expiration date

  21. 在系统备份方面的时间节省是巨大的。

    That 's a significant savings in the amount of time required to obtain a backup of the system .

  22. 备份的初始化时间几乎可以忽略不计,大大提高了存储系统的可用性;

    It improves availability of storage system because time can be ignored at the beginning of backup initializatI / On .

  23. 仅恢复日志备份中特定时间点之前提交的事务而不是恢复整个备份的过程。

    The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time , instead of recovering the whole backup .

  24. 或者,选中“检查媒体集名称和备份集过期时间”复选框,并在“媒体集名称”文本框中输入名称(可选)。

    Optionally , check the check media set name and backup set expiration check box and , optionally , enter a name in the media set name text box .

  25. 进行网间连接时常采用双线热备以保证网络传输的可靠性和持续性,这样可能造成备份线路长时间处于空闲状态。

    Dual lines hot standby is often exploited when making line among networks to ensure the reliability and duration of network transmission , as possible makes standby lines spare long .

  26. 上次全备份以来经过的时间。

    Elapsed time since the last full backup .

  27. 支持在线和离线完全备份以及崩溃、时间点和事务恢复。

    Supports full online and offline backups and crash , point-in-time and transaction recovery .

  28. 这样可以在很大程度上减少整个备份和恢复的时间。

    This reduces the total time required for complete backup and restore to a great extent .

  29. 您可以为备份指定天,时间和循环计划。

    You can specify the day ( s ), time , and rotation schedule for the backup .

  30. 换句话说,无法前滚到上次全数据库备份以来的任意时间点或日志的末尾。

    In other words , you cannot roll forward to a specific point in time or to the end of logs from the last full database backup .