
  • 网络standby;stand-by;Standby Engine;stand by engine
  1. 大副:是的,已经备车了。

    Chief Officer : Yes , engines have been on standby .

  2. 三副,请通知轮机部备车。

    Third Officer , please inform the engine room of standby engine .

  3. 论文第三章是在第二章的基础上对ManB&W气动装置进行功能分解,对备车、停车、换向和起动控制逻辑规律建立相应的数学模型。

    According the second chapter , the third chapter decompose the MAN B & W pneumatic execution units in prepare , start , stop and invert logic control , and builds corresponding mathematic model .

  4. 叫保利备车,我们要走了。

    Tell Paulie to get the car . we 're going .

  5. 他们在备车送我去车站

    They 're bringing the car around to take me to the station .

  6. 柴油机暖机备车顺序控制

    Diesel warming-upstand-by sequence control

  7. 12点20分由于天气不好/海况差/有雾/能见度差/狭水道航行而待机备车。

    20 St. by eng. due to bad weather / rough sea / fog / poor visibility / sailing in narrow waterway .

  8. 通过仿真分析发现,列车运行延误及其传播主要与能力利用率、缓冲时间、备车数量以及辅助线数量等因素有关,并且这些参数之间应该保持一定的合理匹配关系。

    It is found that train delay and delay propagation are related to the capacity utilization , buffer time and number of spare vehicles and auxiliary lines and these parameters should be kept matched among one another .

  9. 介绍了备达捕车器的结构原理、性能、安装及使用。

    The structural principle , performance , installation and application of radar car catcher are introduced in this paper .