
xiǎo běn shēnɡ yi
  • small business
  1. 小本生意;小量发行的报纸;小比例平面图。

    A small business ; a newspaper with a modest circulation ; small-scale plans .

  2. 他说,自己虽然只有小学文凭,但凭借小本生意赚得比许多大学生要多。

    He said as a primary school graduate , he earned more than many university graduates with his small business .

  3. 他做的是小本生意。

    He 's in business on a small scale .

  4. 我靠小本生意生活,只有一点点预算或金钱来购买衣服。

    I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes .

  5. 德北菲尔德主要依靠这匹老马作小本生意,马一死,生意就立刻垮了。

    The haggling business , which had mainly depended on the horse , became disorganized forthwith .

  6. 有些专门为了支持其他女性的,小本生意的而创立的机构。

    There are places set up by women specifically to support other women 's small businesses .

  7. 她说,虽然是小本生意,她们也不是靠这个菜摊来挣钱,就是不想浪费。

    Despite low business , she said the stall is not to make money but to save waste .

  8. 我刚不就是这意思吗。我还以为你们的主旨是支持女性的小本生意。

    Yeah . I just said that . I thought you guys were about supporting small women 's business .

  9. 确诊后,安宁就辞职了,自己经营小本生意维持生计。

    After the diagnosis , on the resignation of the peace , to operate their own small businesses to support themselves .

  10. 笛福一生经商作小本生意,并历经坎坷,但他从未消沉。

    Defoe starts as a small merchant and all his life his business undergoes many ups and downs , and yet he is never beaten .

  11. 在美国,只需几百美元就可以做起小本生意,比如清洁服务公司或水果摊。

    In the United States you can start a basic business , for example a janitorial service or fruit stand , with a couple of hundred dollars .

  12. 古驰品牌的祭品从渣华道沿街的货架上消失了,因为店主害怕如果惹上官司,他们的小本生意会遭遇灭顶之灾。

    Along Java Road , Gucci-branded offerings for the dead disappeared from the shelves , as shopkeepers feared that their tiny businesses could collapse if subjected to a lawsuit .

  13. 很多创业者,甚至那些经营小本生意的人(相当于自我雇佣),都喜欢这种自由、自力更生以及有朝一日可能发财的感觉。

    Many entrepreneurs , even those who run a tiny business that amounts to self-employment , like their freedom and self-reliance and the possibility that they could become wealthy .

  14. 该项目的目标是帮助发展中国家的女性将那些通常没有正规账目的小本生意变成不断增长的企业,丛而产生就业机会,支付税赋,并推动社会服务。

    The programme aims to help women in the developing world to turn small businesses that often operate off the books into growing enterprises that create jobs and pay taxes that can in turn boost social services .

  15. 幸运的是,即便是不能全职工作和加班,想要多赚些钱还是有很多方法的:比如说,为寄宿学校的学生提供住宿、经营小本生意以及用你的观点来赚钱。

    Fortunately , there also are many ways to earn extra cash even when full-time jobs and extra shifts aren 't an option . They include taking in boarders , starting a small business and getting paid for your opinion .

  16. 同时父母是否创业对新生代农民工创业意愿的影响也不显著,这是由于其父母的创业多为小本生意,奔波操劳,对新生代农民工的吸引力较小。

    Meanwhile , the influence of whether their parents establish a business on the young generation is not significant , that is because the business of their parents are more small-business , rushing about , getting little appealing to them .