
xiào róng mǎn miàn
  • beam;be all smiles;grin from ear to ear;a face radiating with smiles;A smile lit up one's face
笑容满面[xiào róng mǎn miàn]
  1. 他笑容满面。

    He had a big smile on his face .

  2. 他笑容满面地面对记者。

    He beamed at the journalists .

  3. 莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。

    She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles

  4. 她笑容满面。

    She had a big smile on her face .

  5. 她笑容满面地走出他的办公室。

    She came out of his office with a big grin on her face

  6. 他笑容满面地从大门里走出来。

    He walked out of the gate , all smiles .

  7. 那么仅仅是想到系上自己的旱冰鞋你就会笑容满面。

    Just the thought of strapping on your roller-skates brings a smile to your face .

  8. 她两眼炯炯有神,笑容满面地叫道:"是的,本!"

    With sparkling eyes and a big smile she cried : " That 's right , Ben ! "

  9. 校长H·金·波托姆利(H.KimBottomly)与阿历克斯拍了自拍照,两个人都笑容满面。

    President H. Kim Bottomly took a selfie with him , each with a wide smile .

  10. 本次旅程的组织者KhinOmarWin也是笑容满面,反问道:“真有那么爽吗?”

    Khin Omar Win , one of the trip 's organisers , beams and asks rhetorically : " How exciting was that ? "

  11. Cadwell老师笑容满面并走向了其他学生。

    Ms Cadwell , with a big smile , is off to another pupil .

  12. 她一直笑容满面,从外表看来她过得挺快活。

    She kept smiling and to all appearances was enjoying herself .

  13. 他领奖的时候笑容满面。

    He was wreathed in smiles as he accepted the award .

  14. 笑容满面,欲与天下人争辩。

    Is ready to argue , he smiles , with any stranger .

  15. 她让我每时每刻都笑容满面。

    She makes me want to laugh all the time .

  16. 她看起来很友好,每次都笑容满面地冲我招手。

    She seemed friendly and always waved , flashing a big smile .

  17. 他笑容满面,仪态万方,又说了多少漂亮话。

    He smiled , looked handsome , and said many pretty things .

  18. 他们笑容满面地站在那里,几英尺开外就是佩米诺娃。

    They stood , beaming , just a few feet from Ms. Perminova .

  19. 主人笑容满面的欢迎这些远道而来的客人。

    The hosts wore all smiles on meeting those guests from remote areas .

  20. 他笑容满面地迎接我。

    He greeted me with a beam of joy .

  21. 我每次见到她,她都笑容满面,跟今晚一样。

    She is always smiling when I see her .

  22. 他是一个快乐的人,总是笑容满面。

    He is a merry person , always smiling .

  23. 千万不要伸出手来笑容满面地自我介绍。

    Don 't ever introduce yourself with an outstretched hand and a big smile .

  24. 我要感谢我能够每一天笑容满面。

    I am thankful for being able to smile and laugh every single day .

  25. 默克尔在迎接这位新总统时笑容满面,一直非常轻松。

    Merkel was all smiles as she greeted the new president and appeared relaxed throughout .

  26. “今天早上你一直笑容满面,玛丽亚。”诺贝尔先生说。

    " You are full of smiles this morning , Maria ," Senor Nobel said .

  27. 下机后,见到两位当地联络人笑容满面地前来迎接我们。

    When our plane landed , we were greeted by two smiling contact persons from budapest .

  28. 为什么你们都笑容满面。

    Why all the smiling faces ?

  29. 她对我笑容满面。

    She smiled widely at me .

  30. “卖主”和“买主”们笑容满面地成交,称心如意地收获。

    All smile , the sellers reaped unexpected results and the shoppers found their unique treasures .