
huǎn fā zhōng zǐ
  • delayed neutron
缓发中子[huǎn fā zhōng zǐ]
  1. IBM-PC微机控制的全自动缓发中子计数法测铀

    Full automatic determination of uranium content by delayed neutron counting controlled with micro-computer IBM-PC

  2. 本文报道了一种用缓发中子计数法测铀的全自动装置,全部过程包括换样、跑兔、辐照、数据获取和处理都采用IBM-PC微机控制。

    In the paper was described a full automatic device for determination of uranium content by delayed neutron counting . All processes , including changing , transfer and irradiation of sample ; acquisition , transfer and treatment of data were automatically controlled by micro-computer IBM-PC.

  3. 考虑单群缓发中子时中子增殖的统一公式

    A general neutron breeder formula considering one group delayed neutron

  4. 利用裂变径迹探测器刻度缓发中子监测仪的探测效率

    Calibration of detection efficiency of delayed neutron detector by fission track detectors

  5. 点堆六群缓发中子动力学方程的新解法

    Novel Solution of Point - Reactor Neutron-Kinetics Equation With Six-Group Delayed Neutron

  6. 用缓发中子探测核弹头的技术探索

    Investigation on detection of nuclear warheads by counting delayed neutrons

  7. 用缓发中子法测定矿石中的铀

    Determination of uranium in minerals by delayed fission neutron method

  8. 缓发中子迁移方程的谱逼近理论

    Spectral Approximation Theory for Transport Equation with Delayed Neutrons

  9. 一个用缓发中子计数法测铀的测量装置

    A measurement device for determination of the uranium content by delayed neutron counting

  10. 抑制光致缓发中子效应;

    To depress the effect of delay photo-neutrons .

  11. 中国实验快堆缓发中子探测系统的瞬态模拟与分析

    Transient Simulation and Analysis for Delayed Neutron Detection System of China Experimental Fast Reactor

  12. 瞬发超临界系统有限裂变链及缓发中子先驱核行为研究

    Research of Non-Persistent Fission Chains and Delayed Neutron Precursors in a Prompt Super-Critical System

  13. 探讨了采用缓发中子区分核与非核、贫化铀和浓缩铀系统的方法。

    The method of nuclear and non-nuclear , depleted uranium and high-enrich uranium was discussed .

  14. 用于缓发中子测定的分析样品的标准野外制备过程如下。

    Standard field procedures are employed in taking samples for analysis by delayed neutron determinations .

  15. 考虑6组缓发中子效应的中子倍增公式

    Neutron Multiplication Formula with Six-group Delayed Neutron

  16. 迟发性神经元损伤发生中与自由基的作用机制及防治缓发中子有效份额的计算方法

    Free radicals in delayed neuronal damage and prevention METHOD OF CALCULATING EFFECTIVE DELAYED & NEUTRON FRACTION

  17. 缓发中子裂变产物监测器

    Delayed neutron fission product monitor

  18. 缓发中子破损燃料元件监测器

    Delayed neutron failed element monitor

  19. 影响缓发中子计数法测铀结果准确度的因素和解决方法

    Some factors affecting the accuracy of uranium content determined by DNC and methods to solve the problems

  20. 缓发中子法分析铀含量的精密度及在铀矿区域化探中的应用

    Analysing accuracy of uranium content by delayed neutron method and its application to regional geochemical exploration for uranium deposits

  21. 由于其有效缓发中子份额极低,故以采用加速器驱动次临界系统较为适宜。

    The accelerator-driven subcritical system is practical for MA transmutation because of its low fraction of effective delay neutrons .

  22. 在反应性参数方面,导致多普勒效应与有效缓发中子份额降低,钠空泡效应增大;

    Some safety parameters deteriorate , such as lower Doppler effect , lower delayed neutron effectiveness and high - er sodium void effect .

  23. 在反应堆动力学方程中,考虑了堆体外反照中子效应,将其作为模拟缓发中子处理。

    The terms for the effects of the neutrons reflected back from outside the reactor are added as extra delayed neutron terms to the reactor kinetics equation .

  24. 本文介绍了应用缓发中子法测定样品中铀含量的精密度可达0.2ppm,分析相对误差小于15%。

    This paper presents the analysing accuracy of uranium content by delayed neutron method is up to 0.2 ppm and the relative error is less than 15 % .

  25. 本课题研究一个以缓发中子法监测为主,总法和裂变气体法监测为辅的三元法燃料元件包壳破损数字化监测仪。

    The thesis makes a research on three-dimensional fuel element cladding damage digital monitor with delayed neutron monitoring as the major method and general γ and fission gas monitoring as the minor method .

  26. 在该方法中,各群中子通量分布用解析基函数和二阶正交多项式近似展开,而包含各组缓发中子先驱核浓度的固定源项则利用多项式进行近似。

    In this method , the intranodal flux distributions are expanded by analytic basis functions and orthogonal second-order polynomials for each group , and the fixed source terms including delayed neutron precursor concentration are approximated in terms of polynomials .

  27. 本文主要内容是通过对有外加中子源反应堆次临界状态下中子密度稳定值的分析,说明考虑缓发中子在内的中子倍增公式对次临界状态的反应堆物理分析是很有用的。

    Through the analysis of the stable neutron density of the subcritical reactor with extraneous neu - tron source , this paper proves that the formula of neutron multiplication with delayed neutron is of great use in the analysis of the subcritical reactor physics .

  28. 目前,对铀材料质量的探测方法主要有四种:时间关联符合法、主动缓发中子法、中子多重性测量分析法以及本论文所研究的有源符合中子法。

    At present , there are four methods of the mass measurement of uranium components , they are : time-correlated coincidence , active delayed neutron counting method , neutron multiplicity counting method , and active coincidence neutron counting method which is studied in this thesis .

  29. 用MCNP程序计算核燃料废包壳缓发裂变中子形成的热中子通量密度

    Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads