
huǎn chōnɡ diàn lù
  • buffer circuit;cushion circuit
  1. CMOS源极跟随缓冲电路

    A Novel CMOS Source-Follower Buffer Circuit

  2. 对IGBT缓冲电路设计进行了分析。

    The design of the buffer circuit of the IGBT is studied .

  3. CO2弧焊电源主电路中RC缓冲电路设计

    Design of RC snubber for main circuit of CO_2 arc welding power source

  4. 适用于PWMDC/DC变换器的无源无损缓冲电路

    Passive lossless snubber cells for PWM DC / DC converters

  5. 缓冲电路参数的SWIFT最优化方法

    Optimal Method for Parameters of the Snubber Circuit with SWIFT

  6. GTO逆变器缓冲电路CAD的研究

    Research on the Computer-Aided Design of GTO Inverter Snubber

  7. 功率MOSFET馈能式缓冲电路的研究

    Study on Passive Snubber Circuit with Energy Recovery for Power MOSFET

  8. 改进型IGBT逆变器缓冲电路的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Buffer Circuits for Improved IGBT Inverter

  9. 大功率IGBT模块并联特性及缓冲电路研究

    Research on Paralleling of High-Power IGBT and Designing Snubbers for Pulsed Power Supply

  10. 基于新型混合式断路器的IGBT缓冲电路研究

    Research on IGBT snubber based on hybrid circuit breaker

  11. 基于Pspice的IGBT缓冲电路分析

    An Study of the Buffer Circuit for the IGBT Based on Pspice

  12. 高频条件下对IGBT逆变器缓冲电路的改进

    Improved Buffer Circuits for IGBT Inverter Under High-Frequency

  13. 对三电平IGBT变流器两种缓冲电路的研究

    Research on two snubbers for three-level IGBT converters

  14. IGBT缓冲电路的设计

    The Design Method of Snubber Circuits for IGBT

  15. B型缓冲电路用于MOSFET逆变器的仿真分析

    Simulation of B Snubber Circuit for MOSFET Inverter

  16. 采用0·25μMCMOS工艺设计并实现了两种不同输出电压的缓冲电路。

    Two output buffer circuits driving different voltages are designed and implemented using a 0.25 μ m CMOS process .

  17. 设计了IGBT器件驱动电路、缓冲电路和散热装置。

    The driver circuit , buffer circuit and cooling equipment of IGBT device are designed .

  18. 中小屏幕TFT-LCD驱动芯片的输出缓冲电路

    Output Buffer Circuits for Medium or Small Size TFT-LCD Driver IC

  19. 研究了适用于PWM变换器的非最小电压应力(NonMinimumVoltageStress,简称NMVS)无源无损缓冲电路。

    This paper investigates Non Minimum Voltage Stress ( NMVS ) passive lossless snubber circuits in Pulse Width Modulated ( PWM ) converters .

  20. 提出了采用准谐振工作模式替代RC缓冲电路的作用,可以使效率提高5%~10%。

    Quasi-resonant mode was adopted instead of the RC buffer circuit so that effect was enhanced by 5 % ~ 10 % .

  21. 第一级FIFO数据缓冲电路用于存储A/D转换后的数据。

    The first FIFO data buffer circuit stores the data after A / D conversion .

  22. 一般缓冲电路的模型及三电平IGBT变流器内外元件电压不平衡机理

    Modeling for general snubber circuits and the reason for voltage unbalance between the inner and outer devices in three level IGBT converters

  23. 再次,针对杂散电感的存在引起开关管电压尖峰的问题,采用简单的RC缓冲电路,成功减小电压尖峰。

    Thirdly , due to the presence of stray inductance switch voltage spike problem , using a simple RC snubber circuit , succeed reduced the voltage peak .

  24. 介绍一种带缓冲电路的新型零电压过渡PWM(ZVT-PWM)软开关BOOST变换器。

    It introduces a new zero voltage transition PWM ( ZVT - PWM ) soft switching BOOST converter with a snub circuit .

  25. 缓冲电路通过抑制反向恢复电流所引起的di/dt和漏源极电压的dv/dt,有效地减少了开关损耗和EMI噪音。

    Switching losses and EMI noises are reduced by restricting di / dt of the reverse recovery current and dv / dt of collector-emitter voltage .

  26. 加双CDD无源无损缓冲电路的推挽正激变换器

    A Push-Pull Forward Converter with Passive and Lossless Dual CDD Snubber Circuit

  27. 在传统平均电流原理基础上采用辅助电感缓冲电路和函数发生器平均电流双环控制新方法,创建了基于函数发生器的电流控制boost型新系统。

    The auxiliary inductor buffer circuit and function generator novel average current double-loop control method are adopted to create a new boost driving system on the basis of the traditional average current control .

  28. 串联饱和型恒流驱动集成电路由片上集成的功率驱动MOS晶体管和带隙基准源电路,取样反馈控制电路,输出缓冲电路等几个主要功能模块组成。

    The DC mode constant current driving IC is consisted of an on-chip power MOSFET , a bandgap reference , sample-feedback control circuits and output buffers .

  29. 设计了IGBT的保护缓冲电路,并根据其电路模型研究分析了缓冲电路的参数选择。

    The protection and snubbers circuit of IGBT is designed and the parameter of the circuit has been researched according to the snubbers circuit model . 2 .

  30. 完成了试验装置的设计、制作和调试,其中包括主电路、控制电路、IGBT缓冲电路、驱动电路、采样以及保护电路的设计。

    The design of experimental device has been completed , including power circuit , control circuit , IGBT snubber circuit , sampling circuit , protecting circuit and driving circuit .