
huǎn chōnɡ fàn wéi
  • buffering range
  1. 在较宽的pH值、温度和缓冲浓度范围内观察到了氧化酶修饰电极上的直接电子迁移。

    Direct electron transfer on the oxidase modified electrode was observed over a wide range of pH , temperature and buffer concentration .

  2. 掌管巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)的央行行长和监管官员表示,他们将最迟在今年底决定是否将更多资产纳入缓冲的范围。

    The governors and supervisors who oversee the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said that they will decide by the end of this year whether to include more assets in the buffer .

  3. 一国的外汇储备是国家经济实力的体现,它既是为了保障日常贸易、金融交易等的顺利进行,也是为了缓冲世界范围内的经济波动和冲击。

    Foreign exchange reserves are the embodiment of national economic strength ; it is not only used for daily trade , but also resists the economic fluctuations , or buffer .

  4. 阔叶树材的酸缓冲容量变化范围较大,在3~34变动;

    The buffering capacities in 3 hardwoods was between 3 and 34 ;

  5. 当进程尝试将数据储存到固定长度的缓冲区的范围之外时,就会出现缓冲区溢出。

    A buffer overflow , or buffer overrun , occurs when a process attempts to store data beyond the boundaries of a fixed-length buffer .

  6. 提出了在激光沉积多元氧化物薄膜过程中的合适的缓冲气体压力范围,解释了激光原位沉积高温超导薄膜中所需氧气分压达30Pa的原因。

    Furthermore , a optimun partial pressure range of buffer gas for laser deposition of oxides films with multielement was suggested , and the necessity of about 30 Pa oxygen partial pressure during laser deposition of high Tc superconducting films is explained .

  7. 缓冲区:在考虑距离对目标物种影响的同时,还应考虑缓冲区的范围应该覆盖所有的核心斑块;

    ( b ) While designing buffer areas , it is better to enable the buffer areas cover all the core patches as well as the affecting distance to certain species .