
xiào wén
  • laugh line
笑纹 [xiào wén]
  • [laugh line] 笑时脸上出现的纹路

笑纹[xiào wén]
  1. 这家日本潮流商店正在出售一种叫做“脸部内衣”的仪器,据说可以帮助减少笑纹,这种皱纹会随着年龄增长愈发明显。

    Japan Trend Shop are selling a ' face bra ' that promises to help fight the smile lines that grow more prominently with age .

  2. 她嘴角泛出了一个紧张的笑纹。

    A slight , nervous smile appeared at the corners of her mouth .

  3. 我长得像我妈妈,但她头发较短,而且脸上带有笑纹。

    My mom looks like me , except with short hair and laugh lines .

  4. 14%的女性会哀叹自己脸上的笑纹。

    A total of 14 percent moan about the ' smile lines ' on their faces .

  5. 我知道谁是一个女人更美丽,她现在比十年前,她当时是惊人的,因为她的眼睛周围的笑纹。

    I know a woman who is more beautiful now than she was ten years ago and she was stunning then because of the laugh lines around her eyes .