
  • 【医】emollient water
  1. 在散发出高档剃须润肤水那幽微香气的同时,他透出成功者特有的沉着镇定。

    He emits , along with a hint of expensive aftershave , the composure of success .

  2. 我现在只用肥皂、有机洗发精和护发剂,再加一点润肤水。

    A bar of soap , organic shampoo and conditioner , and a basic moisturiser are all I need now .

  3. 为什么有的人愿意花几百块买润肤水,当他们的皮肤已经在一开始被廉价的香皂弄干燥了。

    Why would someone pay hundreds of yuan for moisturiser when their cheap soap is drying out their skin in the first place ?

  4. 结论:选用润肤油肥皂水双氧水碘伏的备皮方法,可保证脐孔术野皮肤的无损伤及无菌性,具有临床应用及推广价值。

    Conclusion : Umbilicus skin preparation method through Vaseline soapsuds hydrogen peroxide solution iodophor could be used in clinical practice .