
jǐnɡ wén
  • cervical stripes;wrinkles on the neck;decoration on the neck of pottery
  1. 采用配方精华油加上特别按摩手法,令颈部实时收紧颈纹。

    Using the special blend of pure essential oil , micro-neck therapy massage , improves skin tone and elasticity .

  2. 他在他颈后纹上了十字、肩胛纹了守护天使、右肩上也有天使。

    He already has a crucifix on the back of his neck , a guardian angel between his shoulder blades and an angel on his right shoulder .

  3. 股骨颈骨折鳞纹钉内固定的力学实验与分析

    Mechanic Experiment & Analysis on Internal Fixation with Scale Like Nails for Fracture of Collum Femoris