- 名thenar muscles

The 33 cases ( 45.8 % ), Maximus thenar muscles be found miss nerve potential and recruitment to weaken .
Objective To establish the normal value of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) of thenar muscles , to study its relationship with age and test the reproducibility of the technique and its use in MND .
26 patients had thenar and interosseous muscles strength M3 . Only 4 patients had poor results .
After anesthetizing , we detect the MEP on muscle of thenar of left foot and the SEP on left tibial nerve and record the data .
Results Ulnar tunnel included Guyon 's canal , piso-hamate tunnel and hypothenar segment .
MEPs of the bilateral thenar muscle were simultaneously recorded following TMS of the motor cortex in the respective hemisphere , where a circular coil was placed .
Conclusions The normal MUNE of thenar muscles decrease with the increase of age , MUNE had good reproducibility and reliability and had great value in quantative diagnosis of MND .
Methods : Semi-automatic incremental stimulation was performed in 67 healthy adults ( age 18 ~ 72 years old , mean 40.6 ± 12.3 ) . The MUNE values in bilateral thenar and hypothenar muscles were collected and analyzed with age , gender and laterality .
Conclusions : The MUNE of median nerve innervated thenar muscles recorded by automatic incremental stimulating was 300 ± 83.It might be decreased with the increase of ages , esp in persons with the age above 60 years . Age should be taken into consideration in MUNE recording .
Press : Press down by the thumb , thenar muscle , fixed-palm-root .
Classification and treatment of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles A Big Kitchen
Transplantation of anterior interosseous nerve to repair thenar branch experimental study and clinical application
Objective To study the prognosis and classification of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles .
Recording estimation of thenar motor units and its use in patients with motor neurone disease
Recording estimation of thenar motor units and its reproducibility by fully automated incremental stimulating Collecting Old Recording
Primary repair of the multiple tissue defect and reconstruction of intrinsic muscle function of hand by combine tissue grafting
Transplantation of free myo-cutaneous flap of m.extensor digitorum brevis for restoration of the functions of thenar muscles and adductor pollicis
The greater thenar atrophy and opposition dysfunction in 10 sides of 7 patients disappeared at 8 ~ 12 postoperative weeks .
Silent period from voluntarily contracting thenar muscle induced by electric stimulation of the median nerve and their relations to hand-muscle reflexes
Clinically , the injury of thumb opposing function mainly dues to the damage of the median nerve branch which is often irreversible .
Results : TE was more sensitive to cold , warm and heat pain sensation than DF , but equally sensitive to cold pain .
The new nerve transfer procedure provides an option for restoration of intrinsic muscle function after proximal injury of ulnar nerve and median nerve .
Results : The profound branch was divided into 4 segments : pisohamate tunnel segment , hypothenar segment , midpalmar segment and terminal segment .
It is capable of providing applied anatomic basis by using the abductor muscle flap of the little finger transposition for abductor function of thumb restoration .
Aim To observe the protective effect of femoral nerves transferred to the muscular branches of the thenar and hypothenar muscles on the hand intrinsic muscles .
Conclusion We found that the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi can compress the deep branch of the ulnar nerve causing motor deficit of the intrinsic muscles of hands .
Objective To explore a method of repairing the multiple tissue defect and building the intrinsic muscle function of hand by combine grafting the intrinsic muscle of foot and other tissue .
There was no difference considering the wet muscle weight and muscle fiber cross sectional area of the hypothenar muscles , myelin sheath thickness and d / D ratio at two sides .
Methods : A fully automated incremental stimulating technique was used to estimate the motor unit number of median innervated thenar muscles , 60 normal subjects without nerve and muscle disease were detected .
Methods Since 1980 , 162 cases of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles were treated . According to the severity of injuries , explosive wounds of the thenar muscles were divided into three types .