
  • 网络fish paste
  1. 同时尼龙相对较大的延展性,在鱼非常滑口的时候则变成了优点。

    Mono also has a lot of stretch , which can be put to your advantage if the fish are being finicky and not slamming the lure when they bite .

  2. 石斑鱼和半滑舌鳎封闭循环水养殖系统的构建与运用

    Setup and operation of recirculation aquaculture system for Malabar grouper and half-smooth tongue-sole

  3. 松鼠鱼的鱼肉爽滑细腻,汤汁鲜美异常。

    Such fish-meat tastes refreshing and delicate with extraordinarily delicious juice .

  4. 与《国家地理杂志》图集中展现的其他巨型淡水鱼一样,巨滑舌鱼也是一个保护重点。为了拯救野外的巨型淡水鱼,保护人员需要与时间赛跑。

    Like several megafish species in our gallery , the arapaima is the focus of conservation projects , which may be racing against time to save these animals in the wild .