
  • 网络fish sperm;soft roe;The Unfish;fish emulsion;Maruha Nichiro Fish Soluble
  1. 配合物与鱼精DNA作用的紫外光谱、CD光谱和荧光光谱表明,两者之间有较强的相互作用,并以插入作用方式为主。

    The interaction of the com - plex with fish sperm DNA has been studied by UV , fluorescence and CD . The results show that the interac - tion of the complex with DNA took mainly insertion mode and there was strong interaction between com - plex and DNA .

  2. 鱼精蛋白对延长鱼糕制品有效保存期的作用

    Influence of fish sperm protein on efficient storage time of fish cake

  3. 鱼精DNA在玻碳电极上的电氧化及与组蛋白的作用

    Electrochemical Oxidization of Herring Sperm DNA on GC Electrode and Its Interaction with Histone

  4. 本文研究从鱼精中提取DNA的工艺过程。

    In this paper , we have studied the extract process of DNA from fish 's spermary .

  5. 鱼精蛋白是一种碱性蛋白,主要在鱼类成熟精子细胞核中作为和DNA结合的核精蛋白存在。

    Protamine is a basic protein . It is mainly in mature fish sperm nuclei and bind DNA .

  6. 静脉注射H1及H2受体阻断剂对抗鱼精蛋白副反应的效果观察

    Observation on Antagonism of IV Infusion H 1 and H 2 Recepter Blockers Against Sideeffects of Protamine

  7. 硫鱼精蛋白去除OPV中Vero细胞基质DNA的研究

    Study on Removing Residual DNA of Vero Cells in OPV with Protamine Sulphate

  8. 人抗HBsAg单链抗体/鱼精蛋白截短体融合蛋白基因的构建、表达及活性鉴定

    Construction and expression of human anti-HBsAg ScFv / tP fusion protein in E.coli and identification of its binding activity

  9. 本文研究了硬脂酰鱼精蛋白的合成,并将其作为非病毒基因载体,考察了与质粒DNA的复合性能,复合物的体外基因转染效果。

    In this thesis , stearyl protamine as a kind of novel non-viral gene vector was synthesized and investigated on the characters of its DNA complexes and the transfection efficiency .

  10. 随着PVP含量的增加,水凝胶对鱼精蛋白和牛血清蛋白的吸附减少。

    As the PVP content was increased , the absorption of Protamine and was BSA decreased .

  11. 采用SephadexG50凝胶层析、CMSepharoseCL6B离子交换层析及反相高压液相色谱等步骤从鲢鱼鱼精蛋白的粗品中分离得到一种具有抗菌活性的蛋白质。

    Chub protamine was purified by Sephadex G_50 gel filtration Chromatography , CM_Sepharose CL_6B ion exchange Chromatography and RP_HPLC .

  12. 人用纯化Vero细胞狂犬病疫苗中硫酸鱼精蛋白残留量的测定

    Residue detection of protamine sulfate from purified Vero-cell rabies vaccines used for human

  13. 哲罗鲑生殖周期中血清卵黄蛋白原浓度的ELISA检测鲑鱼鱼精蛋白酶解产物中抗氧化活性肽的分离纯化研究

    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) of vitellogenin during reproductive cycle of taimen ( Hucho taimen ) PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTIOXIDATIVE PEPTIDES FROM SALMON PROTAMINE HYDROLYSATE

  14. 鱼精蛋白对人结肠肥大细胞IgE依赖性与非依赖性类胰蛋白酶释放的调节

    The Ability of Protamine to Modulate Tryptase Release from Human Colon Mast Cells on IgE Dependent and Non-IgE Dependent Stimulation

  15. 鱼精蛋白(Protamine)抗菌特性及其编码基因的克隆与表达研究

    Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Protamine and Cloning and Expression of Its Coding Gene

  16. 对鱼精蛋白和核蛋白的营养价值进行分析,核蛋白的DNA含量很高,必需氨基酸组成合理,精氨酸含量较高,也含有较多的锌;

    Simultaneously , the nutritive values of nucleoprotein and protamine were analysed . The results showed that the characteristics of nucleoprotein compositions were higher in DNA , arginine and zinc , with a reasonable essential amino acids pattern .

  17. 目的:探讨低剂量鱼精蛋白拮抗肝素围体外循环(CPB)期血浆肝素浓度变化的规律及其与术后凝血功能损害的关系。

    Objective To investigate the change of plasma heparin concentration and relationship with blood coagulation dysfunction during and after cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) .

  18. 利用探针分子通过电化学循环伏安法研究了鱼精脱氧核糖核酸与维生素B6的相互作用。

    A research on the interaction between DNA and vitamin-B6 was conducted with an electrode modified by DNA .

  19. 鱼精蛋白和酪蛋白均可增加INS溶液和肠溶微球的降血糖作用,两者合用效果更佳。

    Both of protamine and casein can increase the hypoglycemic effect of INS solution and enteric-microspheres . Co-administrated these two kinds of protein had a better effect .

  20. 综上所述,DOTAP/DOPE阳离子脂质体、阳离子脂质乳剂与DNA通过静电作用自组装形成复合物,分别加入鱼精蛋白后得到三元复合物,这4种复合物均能介导基因的体外转染和体内表达。

    In conclusion , complexes were formed between DOTAP / DOPE cationic lipid carriers and DNA through electrostatic force , ternary complexes were obtained after adding protamine sulfate . Four kinds of complexes could delivery DNA vaccine in vitro and in vivo .

  21. 结果表明:B组血液动力学变化明显小于A组(P<0.01),提示H1及H2受体阻断剂能拮抗鱼精蛋白的副反应。

    The results showed that descending of blood pressure in group B patients was less than that in group A patients ( P < 0.01 ) . It indicates H recepter blockers can antagonize the sideeffect of protamine .

  22. 结论酪蛋白和鱼精蛋白可通过竞争性与酶结合机制增加INS在肠道消化酶中的稳定性,对INS口服吸收有利。

    Conclusion Casein and protamine can increase the stability of INS in the intestinal fluid by the mechanism of competition and combine with proteolysis enzymes , which will benefit to INS oral administration .

  23. 在SNAC、鱼精蛋白和酪蛋白存在下,INS肠溶微球比INS溶液有更强而持久的降血糖作用。

    In addition , co-administrated with SNAC , casein and protamine , INS enteric-microspheres had a longer and more potent hypoglycemic effect than that of the solution .

  24. 结果:LPS、EGF+TNF-α和硫酸鱼精蛋白均可抑制GEC掺入[3H]-TdR,并呈一定的量效和时效关系;

    RESULTS : LPS , protamine sulfate , TNF - α and EGF could significantly inhibit the - TdR incorporation of GEC in a dose - and time-dependent manner .

  25. 鱼精蛋白法为试验产品包封率的测定方法研究比较了制备PST脂质体的三种膜材。

    And protamine aggregation was suggested as the determining method for the encapsulation rate of the product . Three membrane materials for preparing PST liposomes were investigated and compared .

  26. 结果:全组除1例(03%)死于严重鱼精蛋白过敏外,均治愈出院,术后心功能NYHA评级改善,尤以术前Ⅳ级者最为明显。

    Results 374 patients ( 99.7 % ) were successfully treated and their cardiac functions were improved significantly , especially in the patients with preoperative NYHA ⅳ .

  27. 目的观察鱼精蛋白对刺参酸性黏多糖(SJAMP)抗凝血活性的对抗作用及其对SJAMP致死作用、血小板聚集、脾脏增重、抗癌活性的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of protamine ( P ) on biological activities of stichopus japonicus acid mucopolysaccharide ( SJAMP ) .

  28. 用1.0A强度的超声波和5%的硫酸溶液提取鱼精蛋白,提取时间20min,能得到较高活性的鲤鱼抗菌精蛋白。

    Protamine of higher antibacterial activity could be extracted with 1.0 A ultrasound , 5 % H_2SO_4 for 20 min.

  29. 试验还对测定包封率的两种方法即凝胶柱分离法和鱼精蛋白凝聚法进行了比较,测得PST脂质体的包封率分别为75.26%、84.58%,PST回收率分别为90.4%和98.22%。

    The results of the encapsulated ratio of PST liposomes were 75.26 % and 84.58 % respectively , and the rates of recovery of PST were 90.4 % and 98.22 % respectively .

  30. 调节介质pH值使托氟啶脂质体Zeta电位分别为-44.07,-4.76和14.5mV,鱼精蛋白凝聚法方法回收率分别为98.1%,95.3%和86.6%。

    When the Zeta potentials of TFu liposomes were changed to-44.07 , -4.76 and 14.5 mV by adjusting the pH of the liposome suspensions , the drug recoverys of protamine aggregation method were 98.1 % , 95.3 % and 86.6 % , respectively .