
cún lán
  • livestock on hand;amount of livestock on hand
存栏 [cún lán]
  • [amount of livestock on hand] 指牲畜在饲养中

  • 全公社生猪存栏头数达两万余头

存栏[cún lán]
  1. 在动态模型中,散养和规模的精饲料费、散养死亡损失费对存栏量影响显著。

    In the dynamic model , backyard and scale fine feed costs and backyard death loss fees have obvious effect on amount of livestock on hand .

  2. 近年来,牧草种植面积不断扩大(占10.85%),饲养的畜禽中黄牛(39.57%)、山羊(37.31%)比例较高,现有存栏基础好。

    During these years , the grazing planting areas were enlarged gradually ( account for 10.85 % ), the scales of yellow cattle ( 39.57 % ), goat ( 37.31 % ) in domestic animals were higher and the existing amount of livestock on hand was good .

  3. 牲畜存栏总头数比去年增加了一倍。

    The total livestock number is twice as large as it was last year .

  4. 关于牲猪动态存栏数学模型的研究

    A research of mathematical model about dynamic amount of domestic pigs

  5. 猪还可以很容易大批饲养和存栏;

    They 're also plentiful and easy to breed and maintain .

  6. 生猪价格下跌较多,存栏下降。

    Price of pig declines sharply resulting in diminished livestock .

  7. 这一切表明今年生猪存栏数会有更快的增长。

    All this promises a still faster growth in the pig population this year .

  8. 目前,南京奶牛存栏数量、饲养规模以及牛奶产量不断扩大,生产水平逐步提高。

    All the amount of cows , milk yield and consumption per capita have improved rapidly .

  9. 目前朝鲜牲畜存栏包括57.7万头牛,220万头生猪和350万只山羊。

    Current North Korea 's livestock population consists of577,000 head of cattle , 2.2 million pigs and3.5 million goats .

  10. 全区粮食产量1960年即比1959年增长了12.6%,牲畜存栏数增长了10%。

    The region 's grain output in 1960 increased by 12.6 percent over 1959 and the number of livestock by 10 percent .

  11. 进一步提高饲养和管理水平后绵羊存栏量能进一步降低到103只,存栏量可降低31%。

    To further improve breeding and management level at the farm level , the breeding stock of the sheep was reduced further by31 % .

  12. 从1993年起存栏羊数中山羊超过了绵羊,现山羊占50%,绵羊占46%。

    The amount of goat exceeded the amount of sheep on hand from 1993 , Present goat occupies 50 % and sheep occupies 46 % .

  13. 中国拥有数百亿的畜牧动物存栏量,是世界上最大的农产品生产国,同时也是最大的消费国。

    But China 's farmed animal population is in the tens of billions , and it is the world 's largest producer and consumer of agricultural products .

  14. 河北省是畜牧大省,无论是畜产品产量还是存栏量都位于全国前列。

    Hebei province is a big province of animal husbandry , whether output of livestock product or Amount of livestock on hand quantity ranks forefront in the country .

  15. 中国养殖奶牛的存栏数量不断扩大,乳制品企业的生产工艺不断改进,乳制品的年产量不断增加,居民对乳品的消费水平不断提高。

    The number of Chinese breeding cows expanding constantly , dairy production process continuously improve , dairy production increases unceasingly , the residents of dairy consumption level enhances unceasingly .

  16. 目前我国奶牛存栏数处于世界的前列,但是奶牛年单产和乳品质偏低。

    At present , the population of cow in our country is in the forefront of theworld , but the milk yield of each cow is low and the quality of milk is poor .

  17. 家庭人口越多、家庭年收入越高、牲畜存栏数越多,受偿意愿越高;③农牧民的满意度对其受偿意愿有较大影响。

    The more family size , the higher family income , and the larger number of livestock , the higher willingness to accept ;③ Thesatisfaction of farmers and herdsmen has a greater impact on their willingness to accept .

  18. 从数据看出,2002年新疆畜牧业年末存栏数是1949年年末存栏数的457倍,新疆天然草地季节牧场超载,产草量降低。

    Data shows that the stock on hand at the end of 2002 was about 4.57 times that on hand at the end of 1949 . The natural grassland is overloaded and the natural forage yield has reduced .

  19. 自20世纪90年代以来,我国绵羊、山羊的存栏量、出栏量、羊肉产量均居世界第一位,肉羊业产值占畜牧业的比重也在不断提高。

    The number of sheep and goats in stock and their slaughtering , and mutton production all have been ranking the first place in the world since the 1990s , and the share of mutton sheep output value among the whole livestock industry is also increasing .

  20. 发生重大疫情也是生猪生产的波动的原因,发生重大疫情时改变了能繁母猪存栏量的趋势,生猪存栏量波动频率虽然没有改变,但改变了波动幅度。

    The occurrence of major epidemic is also cause of pig production fluctuation . The occurrence of major epidemic changes the trend of breeding sows livestock on hand . Fluctuation frequency of pig livestock on hand does not change , but the amplitude of fluctuation has changed .

  21. 我国畜禽养殖业在过去50多年里大幅度增加,主要畜禽养殖存栏数量随着时间成直线甚至指数增长,在畜禽养殖数量增长的同时,畜禽的养殖模式也发生了巨大的变化。

    The livestock and poultry breeding industry have been substantially developed in the past 50 years . The number of major livestock and poultry has increased straightly or even exponentially . At the same time , the patterns of the livestock and poultry industry have undergone tremendous changes .

  22. 这对政策制定者不是什么安慰。中国猪肉现货价格已经超过了2011年的峰值,能繁母猪存栏量不足和日益增加的国内消费使得中国消费者最钟爱的猪肉的进口量达到创纪录水平。

    That is cold comfort for policymakers , as the spot price for a kilo of pork in China has surpassed the 2011 peak thanks to a dearth of breeding sows and growing domestic consumption that have driven record imports of Chinese consumers " favourite meat from foreign farms .