
  1. 历史与文化、经济与政治领域都存在原则和本质的不同。

    There have also been differences of principle and substance spanning history and culture , economics and politics .

  2. 地役权本质与存在原则的法律与经济分析&兼评《物权法(草案)》关于地役权的规定

    A Law and Economic Study on the Essence and Presence Principal of Easement & Also Discuss Prescription of Protocol of Property Right Law

  3. 探讨原因自由行为与“行为与责任同时存在原则”、可罚性问题、主观罪过问题,并就其出路提出立法建议,具有重要意义。

    This essay makes a series of study among action liberty in cause and the principle of behavior and responsibility existing at the same time , the problem of inculpation , th .

  4. 另外,在我国代理法中,还存在不少原则性较强和可操作性较差的条款。

    Moreover , there also exist many principled provisions in our countrys agency law .

  5. 英汉语言在咬字吐字上的处理有很多不相同的地方,对正确咬字吐字的评价标准也存在着原则性的差异。

    English is quite different from Chinese in dealing with the standard of correct enunciation .

  6. 在交易的同时,我们仍然存在违背原则的意图/倾向,从而令交易结果并不稳定。

    As we trade we still have a tendency to violate our rules and our results are still erratic .

  7. 进行了研究,利用非线性二择一不动点定理建立了问题正解的一个存在性原则。

    By using nonlinear alternative fixed_point theorem , a existence principle of positive solutions to this problem are established .

  8. 市场经济赖以存在的原则是:在法律制度规定的界限内,个人享有充分的自由。

    A market economy rests on the principle that individuals are free to act within boundaries set by a legal system .

  9. 文章针对这些问题,结合工程应用情况,进行了详细地分析与验算,指出了结构设计中存在的原则错误和严重误导。

    This article analyzes these problems in detail and some calculations are made , some mistakes in principles and misguiding of structure design are pointed out .

  10. 福多以其思想内容的复杂性和生成性、语言理解的系统性以及内省的证据作为心理语言存在的原则性理由。

    Fodor regards the complexity and formation of thoughts , the systematization of language understanding and proofs of introspection as the basic reasons of the existence of mental language .

  11. 最后一部分笔者对目前我国的立法进行分析,明确我国并不存在一般原则上的为第三人利益合同。

    Finally , the author analyzed current legislation in our country , and came to a conclusion that our country has not a general principle on the right of third party .

  12. 如果拉德马赫胜诉,该案可能会颠覆一项长期存在的原则,即在欧美得到广泛认可的婚前协议在英格兰不具法律约束力。

    If she is successful , the case could overturn the long-standing principle that pre-nuptial contracts , widely recognised in Europe and the US , are not legally binding in England .

  13. 本文认为,建立现代产权制度已明确为我国下一步深层次改革的重要任务,然而用什么样的产权理论来指导我国现代产权制度的建设,却存在重大原则分歧。

    Constructing modern property rights system has been certified as the important task of the next deepgoing reform , but to choose which theory of property rights to guide the construction exists a great difference .

  14. 它是犯罪行为的一种特殊情形,其可罚性在于它是“同时存在的原则”的一种“例外”。

    Actio libera in cause is a special form of criminal act and its essence of being punished may be regarded as a exception of " the principle that actions and duties should exist simultaneously " .

  15. 有的研究者断言,马克思和恩格斯关于家庭形式演化的顺序、内容和动力等问题的观点存在着原则分歧,这是违背历史事实的错误见解。

    Some researchers assert that there some principled divergences between Marx and Engels on the questions of the order , contents and motive force of the evolution of familial form . These are erroneous opinions violating historical facts .

  16. 电子商务法是否存在基本原则、存在哪些基本原则以及基本原则的内容和关系如何是文章论述的主要内容。

    The basic principles of E-commerce law are presence or absence , what are the basic principles and the basic principles of the relationship between the content and how it is on the main contents of the article .

  17. 但在我国刑事法律中,不但存在这一原则的缺位,而且有许多和一事不再理原则内涵相违背的规定。

    But in Chinese criminal procedure law , the rule is not founded .

  18. 而我国现阶段无过失责任的立法并不完善,存在立法过于原则和模糊等诸多问题。

    In modern China , the legislation of no-fault liability is not perfect .

  19. 但是仍然存在很多执行原则的空间。

    There is still , however , a lot of room to implement the principles .

  20. 但会计事项不确定性的存在使得稳健原则将会一直存续下去。

    However , conservatism principle will survive for the existence of uncertainty of accounting items .

  21. 立法上主要存在着立法原则不合理,主动公开的规定过于概括等问题。

    Legislation on the main exist legislative principles unreasonable , active disclosure rules too summarize problem .

  22. 对于注册会计师归责原则问题存在过错责任原则和无过错责任原则,我国对于注册会计师侵权贡任适宜采用过错责任原则的特例&过错椎定原则为其归责原则。

    As to the question of the responsibility judging principle , there are fault responsibility and non - fault responsibility .

  23. 研究表明,农业上市公司在经营管理中,既存在按照三公原则规范经营的公司,同时也存在违法经营现象。

    Results show that agricultural listed companies existing phenomenon of companies of managing according to the principle of openness and illegal business management .

  24. 它只能存在于意志原则之中,与这种行动所实现的目标没有关系。

    It can lie nowhere else than in the principle of the will , irrespective of the ends which can be realized by such action .

  25. 对清王朝来说,这实在是一个十分残酷的悲剧性结局。这种结局蕴含了一个朴素的历史辩证法:主观动机与客观效果并不是完全统一的,它们之间还存在着相背原则。

    The finale reveal a simple history dialectic , that is subjective motive and objective effect are not uniform , some time they are deviate each other .

  26. 照着老套路混日子,却从不细究这种日子赖以存在的那些原则,或许像开汽车,但从来不检修这辆车。

    To carry on a routine existence without ever examining the principles on which it is based may be like driving a car which has never been serviced .

  27. 在零售业的发展中存在着便利原则,人们对便利的偏好决定了便利店的产生与发展。

    There is a principle called " convenience principle " in the development of retailing . People 's partiality for convenience gives rise and develops the convenience store .

  28. 第一部分分析了我国引入辩诉交易在诉讼理念、诉讼制度等方面存在的一些原则性障碍,指出这些障碍应当被扫除。

    The first part analyzes the principle barrier on the introduction of the concept of plea bargaining in the litigation , points out that these barriers should be removed .

  29. 另一方面,调解协议达成后,除非当事人有证据证明调解过程存在违反自愿原则或其他违法行为才可申请再审。

    On the other hand , the conciliation agreement , unless the parties have evidence that mediation process existence violate voluntarily or other illegal behavior just can apply for a retrial .

  30. 然而,我国现行的非监禁刑制度,在立法上存在规定过于原则、抽象、不易操作等缺陷,在执行上则存在缺乏统一行使行刑权的机构等缺陷,这都有待进一步的完善。

    But our current system of non-custodial penalty have some defects such as the principle is too abstract and difficult to operate in legislation , and the lack of a unified criminal executive institution in execution , all of this need further improved .