
  • 网络berg;Roland Berger;Begg;Beg
  1. 他回想起贝格担任委员的那个委员会的几次会议;

    He thought of the sittings of the committee , of which Berg was a member .

  2. 贝格并非平白地让大家看看他那只在奥斯特利茨战役负伤的右手,他用左手握着一柄毫无用途的军刀。

    Not in vain had Berg shown everybody his right hand that had been wounded at Austerlitz , and the sword quite unnecessarily held in his left .

  3. 在挪威,索尔贝格对《精灵宝可梦GO》的痴迷已经不是什么秘密了。

    Solberg 's love of Pokemon Go isn 't exactly a state secret .

  4. 本文作者是德国美因茨约翰内斯古滕贝格大学(JohannesGutenbergUniversity)古滕贝格研究学院(GutenbergResearchCollege)研究员

    The writer is a fellow in the Gutenberg Research College at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz

  5. 1986年,汤姆•施滕贝格(TomStemberg)在美国马萨诸塞州开了第一家史泰博(Staples)大型超市。

    In 1986 , Tom Stemberg opened the first Staples superstore in Massachusetts .

  6. 这家刚刚起步的在线广告公司成立于2011年,创始人包括麻省理工斯隆商学院MBA勒内•赖恩斯贝格和马克•帕特以及一些工程领域的专业人士。

    This online advertising startup was formed in 2011 by MIT Sloan MBAs Rene Reinsberg and Marc Piette and a couple of engineering savvy co-founders .

  7. 以下就是德勤CEO巴里•扎尔茨贝格(BarrySalzberg)对志愿服务价值的看法:作者:BarrySalzberg

    Here 's Deloitte CEO Barry Salzberg 's take on the value of volunteerism :

  8. 英国综合交通委员会(CommissionforIntegratedTransport)前主席戴维?贝格(DavidBegg)承认,自动驾驶车辆能够更高效地利用道路空间,但他表示,一个问题依然存在,就是汽车占用道路空间相对其运载的人数还是太多。

    David Begg , a former chairman of the UK 's Commission for Integrated Transport , accepts that autonomous vehicles will use road space more efficiently but says the problem remains that cars take up too much space for the people they carry .

  9. 格芬也喜欢说格言,他35年的老友兼合伙人杰弗里•卡岑贝格(JeffreyKatzenberg)如是说。他们二人连同斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)一起创建了梦工厂。

    Mr Geffen is also fond of the maxim , says Jeffrey Katzenberg , a friend for35 years and his partner , along with Steven Spielberg , in the creation of DreamWorks SKG .

  10. 中国周二连续第二天取消了与挪威渔业大臣莉斯贝特贝格-汉森(LisbethBerg-Hansen)的部长级会谈。

    China on Tuesday cancelled a ministerial-level meeting with Lisbeth Berg-Hansen , Norwegian fisheries minister , for the second successive day .

  11. 瑞银集团执行董事米切尔•古滕贝格(MitchelGuttenberg)涉嫌在6年多的时间里,向数家对冲基金的交易员提前发出股票评级变化警告。

    Mitchel Guttenberg , a UBS executive director , allegedly gave traders for several hedge funds advance warning of stock upgrades and downgrades for more than six years .

  12. 德国经济部长卡尔-特奥多尔楚古滕贝格(Karl-TheodorzuGuttenberg)对麦格纳的收购建议持保留态度,因此他鼓励其他公司参与竞购。5月下旬,他的同僚多数支持麦格纳。

    Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg , Germany 's economics minister , has encouraged rival bids because of his reservations about Magna 's offer , which most of his colleagues endorsed in late May .

  13. 去年7月在印度洋上的留尼汪岛(Reunion)发现了一块襟副翼残骸,那是飞机机翼的一个部件,它是被负责一个海滩清洁团队的本地人约翰尼•贝格(JohnnyBègue)发现的。

    A piece of the aircraft 's wing , called a flaperon , was found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion last July . It was discovered by an islander , Johnny B è gue , who was in charge of a beach cleaning team .

  14. 不过,德国经济部长卡尔-特奥多尔楚古滕贝格(Karl-TheodorzuGuttenberg)发表了比较低调的声明,表示这份协议充满风险,并暗示他只是屈从于政治压力才同意签字。

    However , Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg , German economics minister , sounded a sombre note , saying the agreement was fraught with risk and hinting that he had only signed up to it under political pressure .

  15. 各位应届毕业生和2012级新生们注意了:全球战略集团(GlobalStrategyGroup)代表跨国公司伍兹贝格(WoodsBagot)建筑事务所进行的一份调查显示,约500位资深经理人和高管们认为,你们并没有真正做好进入职场的准备。

    Note to recent college grads and the Class of 2012 : You may not be as ready for the working world as you think you are . At least , that 's the opinion of about 500 senior managers and C-suite executives in a study by Global Strategy Group , on behalf of worldwide architectural firm Woods Bagot .

  16. 路德曾抨击腓特烈保存在维藤贝格的圣物。

    Luther had already criticized the relics which Frederick kept at Wittenberg .

  17. 新的哈登贝格电影在美国是个彻底失败。

    The new Hardenberger movie was a complete flop in the states .

  18. “真是个文质彬彬的君子人哪”,贝格小姐夸奖道。

    " What an elegant gentleman ," commented miss baker .

  19. 格斯站在那儿一声不响,贝格感到一种奇特的感觉&一半是肉体上的,一半是精神上的。

    Gus stood without speaking and Bigger felt a curious sensation-half-sensual , half-thoughtful .

  20. 你能回答所有事,不是吗,贝格?

    You got an answer for everything , don 't you , bagger ?

  21. 汤姆?克鲁斯应该出演讲述克劳斯?冯?施陶芬贝格事迹的影片吗?

    Should Tom Cruise star in a film about Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg ?

  22. 贝格从不写下数字。

    Bagger never wrote down a number .

  23. 他听得贝格小姐走动的声音。

    He heard Miss Baker moving about .

  24. 1511年,他转到了维藤贝格,在那里他认真研究圣经。

    In 1511 he was moved to Wittenberg and began serious study of the Bible .

  25. 哈肯贝格说,他确信这次发布的激光车灯系统会得到监管部门的批准。

    Hackenberg said he is confident the laser light system will meet with regulatory approval .

  26. 贝格说,刚刚结束的哥本哈根会议是欧盟在行动的一个例子。

    Begg says the Copenhagen conference is one example of a more vigorous European Union .

  27. 屈丽娜甚至认为打从他们家败落以来,老贝格小姐对他们也不怎么热诚了。

    Trina even fancied that old Miss Baker had come to be less cordial since their misfortune .

  28. 古腾贝格星期二说,他“总是准备抗争”,但是现在已经到了他的极限。

    Guttenberg said Tuesday he was " always ready to fight ," but had reached his limit .

  29. 德国国防部长古腾贝格星期二在有关他博士论文涉嫌抄袭的丑闻中辞职。

    Germany 's defense minister resigned Tuesday amid a scandal involving allegations that he plagiarized his doctoral thesis .

  30. 到1990年,从施滕贝格那具有颠覆性的奇思妙想中,已诞生了几十家相互酷似的办公用品仓储超市。

    By 1990 , Mr Stemberg 's disruptive bright idea had spawned dozens of lookalike office supply warehouses .