
  1. 这个角色还意味着,在希腊与国际货币基金组织(IMF)、欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)和经济合作与发展组织(OECD)等国际组织的日常接触当中,斯托纳拉斯是希腊方面的负责人。

    That role also meant he was point person for Greece in its regular contacts with international organizations like the International Monetary Fund , the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  2. 普通的日常接触有可能被感染艾滋病吗?

    Is there a risk of getting AIDS through casual contacts ?

  3. 乙肝病毒与艾滋病病毒一样不会通过饮食或日常接触传播。

    Hepatitis b , like hiv , cannot be transmitted through food or casual contact .

  4. 我在那儿做编辑,而她在另一个部门做助理,我们日常接触的机会很少。

    She was an assistant in a different department , so we had very little day-to-day contact .

  5. 陈清峰提醒大家,日常接触、共餐、礼节性接吻是不会传播艾滋病的。

    Chen Qingfeng remind you , daily contact , dining , courtesy of kissing does not spread AIDS .

  6. 透过训练,增加了日常接触,让饲养员跟动物逐渐建立互信的关系。

    Through the training , aquarists and the animals have built up the mutual trust and relationship gradually .

  7. 对日常接触传播、蚊虫叮咬传播的正确认知率分别是:75.6%、60.7%。

    While the correct cognition rate of daily contact and mosquito biting transmission is 75.6 % and 60.7 % respectively .

  8. 而且它可以在几乎所有环境下运作,因为这不过是两个人之间的日常接触。每个人都可以作为导师,每个人也都能从辅导中获益。

    And it can work in almost all circumstances as it 's not much more than regular contact between two people .

  9. 这些日常接触,要是气冲冲的或是使人反感的,那便会减少我们生活的乐趣,要是它们令人愉快,那便会使我们精神振奋。

    These daily encounters , when they are angry or alien , diminish our lives . When they are pleasant , we feel buoyed .

  10. 很多专家学者表示,常规体检中的乙肝检测非常没有必要,因为携带者在日常接触中不会传染他人。

    Many experts and scholars indicate that the HBV test in regular physical exams is really unnecessary because carriers cannot infect others in daily contact .

  11. 亲吻、拥抱、握手、互用个人物品、共同用餐或喝水等一般日常接触不会感染艾滋病毒。

    Individuals cannot become infected through ordinary day-to-day contact such as kissing , hugging , shaking hands , or sharing personal objects , food or water .

  12. 父母最近刚刚去世的一些独生子女正艰难地面对一个事实:如今除了与遗嘱律师的日常接触外,他们已完全是孑然一身了。

    A few , recently bereaved , are struggling with the fact that they are now totally alone apart from their daily contact with the probate lawyers .

  13. 即病人的粪便污染外环境通过水源、食物或日常接触等方式,经口将甲肝病毒传播给健康人。

    The environment outside pollution of excrement and urine passes fountainhead , food or contact daily namely wait for means , classics mouth transmits armour liver virus healthy person .

  14. 对某学院新生HBV日常生活接触传播的探讨

    STUDY ON HBV TRANSMISSION BY DAILY LIFE CONTACT Double Sera Investigation of HBV Infection in Students of a College

  15. 结论大肠埃希菌O157∶H7感染性腹泻并发急性肾功能衰竭是病人死亡的主要原因,家畜、家禽的高带菌率可通过污染水、食物传染给人,亦可通过蝇和日常生活接触感染。

    Conclusion The main factor causing death was the complicated acute renal failure from diarrhea infected by E. coli O157 ∶ H7 . The pathogen from livestock or poultry with high carrying rate might infect people through polluted water , food flies and close contacts .

  16. 分析认为经日常生活接触和多次小范围的食物传播。

    The daily-life contact and small scale food transmission were considered .

  17. 日常生活接触也造成乙型肝炎传播的途径。

    Hepatitis B is also contacted by the daily living .

  18. 日常职业接触纳米颗粒将很可能面临最大的风险。

    Workers who experience routine occupational exposure to nanoparticles will likely be most at risk .

  19. 对于艾滋病非传播途径,30.00-40.00%的中学生认为日常生活接触可以传播艾滋病病毒。

    As to AIDS transmission ways , about 30.00-40.00 % students think that daily contraction can spread the virus .

  20. 我们日常生活接触到的最多的一类电磁辐射就是极低频电磁场辐射。

    Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fieldis one of the electromagnetic fields that we often encounter in our daily life .

  21. 女大学生对乙肝的主要传播途径、一般的日常生活接触不能感染乙肝、乙肝的最有效措施的知晓率高于男大学生。

    Female college students think that daily life contact cannot be infected with hepatitis B exposure than male college students .

  22. 培训前59.0%的学员认为日常生活接触不会感染艾滋病病毒,培训后提高到97.5%。

    Before training , 59.0 % of them knew that HIV could not be transmitted daily life ; after training , proportion of them increased by 97.5 % .

  23. 你可以试着把他作为你啲网络伙伴,在日常生活接触当中,开始寻找可以在你啲国家和你约会啲男人。

    Try to start thinking of him as your online companion , and begin looking around in your day-to-day life to find men you can date in your own country .

  24. 所以,虽然多数美国人感染了HSV-1、2,或在日常生活中接触HSV的风险很高,但是目前的工作不足以阻止此病原体(的感染)。

    So , despite the fact that most adult Americans either have HSV-1 or2 , or are at very high risk of contracting it in their lifetime , not enough is being done to stop the pathogen .

  25. 日常的普通接触不会让你感染。

    You can 't get it through casual contact with someone .

  26. 广州高校学生日常体育传媒接触的研究

    Study on Daily Contacting With Sport Information in Mass Media of College Students in Guangzhou

  27. 流行病学调查提示部分学生问卷可能通过母婴传播以及日常生活密切接触感乙型肝炎病毒。

    Epidemiology investigation revealed that some students might be infected via mother-to-infant transmission or close contacts in daily life .

  28. 感觉用于认识日常生活直接接触的经验世界,理性用于认识科学世界。

    Sensations are for the learning of the everyday life experience while reason is for the learning of science .

  29. 事实上,我们在日常生活中接触最多的物体就是面孔,尤其是我们本族的面孔。

    Indeed , the item we look at most in everyday life is probably human face , especially faces of our own race .

  30. 也许,我们作见证的第一课,就是学习利用日常事情作为接触点,学习聆听他人并按各人的本相接纳他们。

    Perhaps our first lessons in witnessing might be to use an every day incident as a point of contact and learn to listen and accept people as they are .