
  • 网络Immigrate to the United States;US Immigration
  1. 移民美国前,我先要处理手头上的一些琐事

    I have to tie up loose ends before immigrating to America .

  2. 与美国公民结婚是移民美国最佳的门票

    Marrying an American citizen is a guaranteed ticket to immigrating to America .

  3. 她的父亲,亚瑟·席贝尔(ArthurSchieble)移民美国后辗转来到了格林贝(GreenBay)的郊区。

    Her father , Arthur Schieble , had immigrated to the outskirts of Green Bay ,

  4. 罗德岛普罗维登斯的托马斯•彭特(ThomasPontes)以为自己16岁、14岁和12岁的孩子对于祖父的故事并不感兴趣。他们的祖父是一位移民美国的农场工人,他凭借自己的双手,从只能住牲口棚到拥有自己的家庭。

    Thomas Pontes thought his children , 12 , 14 and 16 , shrugged off tales of his grandfather , an immigrant farmhand who worked his way up from living in a barn to owning a home .

  5. 波兰人移民美国历程研究(1854-1922)

    A Study on the Poles American Immigration Experience ( 1854-1922 );

  6. 历史学家通常把阿拉伯人移民美国的过程划分成两次高潮。

    Historians generally describe Arab immigration to America in two waves .

  7. 詹娜移民美国,嫁给了大卫·道森。

    Zhanna married David Dawson after moving to the United States .

  8. 联邦法律规定,非法移民美国是民事违法行为。

    Federal law makes being in United States illegally a civil offense .

  9. 你移民美国感觉还可以吧?

    Will you be okay when you immigrate to America ?

  10. 欧洲人不可能移民美国以逃避增值税。

    Europeans are unlikely to migrate to escape VAT .

  11. 新世界财富公司预计移民美国的需求将会继续保持在高位。

    New World Wealth expects demand to remain high .

  12. 子女移民美国的规定

    The regulations about family migrating to America

  13. 取缔移民美国不只是经济上遭受损失,社会生活也同样受损。

    Taking immigration away would hurt this country more than economically , but , socially also .

  14. 有什麽民族移民美国?

    What peoples have populated America ?

  15. 移民美国的印度人移民保有他们独有的传统文化,并形成一定影响。

    American Indian immigrants maintain their unique traditional culture , and thus form some certain impacts .

  16. 威廉·伯克·科克兰出生于爱尔兰,17岁时移民美国。

    Born in Ireland , William Bourke Cockran came to the US at the age of 17 .

  17. 移民美国的人大多对此感到震惊,但往往不久后就学会了美国人的习惯。

    Most immigrants to the States are shocked , but often learn American habits themselves after a while .

  18. 移民美国后,她希望保持自己对体育的热爱。

    But when she moved to the U.S. , she wanted to keep her love of sport alive .

  19. 爱德华•威尔曼就要告别家人、移民美国去寻求更美好的生活了。

    Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America .

  20. 每年允许一小部分中国人移民美国,有些人也能入籍成为美国公民。

    A small number of Chinese were allowed to immigrate each year , and Chinese could become American citizens .

  21. 移民美国的印度人的家庭收入平均水平也高于很多其他种族的移民。

    The household income of American Indian is also higher than the average level of many other ethnic immigrants .

  22. 他们共同的祖辈里士满•特勒尔于17世纪中期移民美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期定居者。

    Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell , a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century .

  23. 和家人团聚是移民美国的最主要原因,其人数占永久移民总数的70%。

    Family reunification was the biggest reason given by US immigrants , accounting for 70 per cent of permanent moves .

  24. 二次世界大战导致大量科学家及工程人员移民美国。

    The first and second world wars brought a large group of international scientists and engineers to the United States .

  25. 从跳船者到东百老汇大街的主人:近20年来福州人移民美国研究

    From sailors of jumping ship to the main actors of East Broadway : Studies on Fuzhou immigrants into U.S.A. in last 20 years

  26. 如果他想正式移民美国,就得在十八岁时回去。

    If he wanted his immigration status to be US citizen , then he had to return by the time he was 18 .

  27. 它们是写给美国大使馆的信,咨询如果约翰尼和一个美国公民结婚,移民美国的事。

    There were letters to the American embassy inquiring about Johnny emigrating to the United States if he were married to an American citizen .

  28. 内容主要说明:欧阳靖的父亲年轻时从香港移民美国,在迈阿密黑人区经营一家狭小的中国饭馆。

    Gin Oy 's father young immigrant from Hongkong , the United States , blacks in Miami park to operate a small Chinese restaurants .

  29. 移民美国的印度人在IT等高技术领域的所取得成就也不容小觑,更是与印度国内软件业相得益彰。

    American Indians in the field of IT and other high-tech achievements can not be underestimated , which benefits the domestic software industry in India .

  30. 总数已经能排在移民美国的墨西哥人、华人后面,达到第三位。

    In the United States , the total number of immigrants has been able to row in the third place , after Mexicans and Chinese .