
  • 网络mobile product
  1. LG移动产品策划部门主管RamchanWoo在本周二GFlex的发布会上表示,他看到智能手机正向“曲面、可弯曲、可折叠、可穿戴”设备的方向发展,但他未详细说明LG柔性设备技术会如何进一步发展。

    LG 's Ramchan Woo , head of the company 's mobile product planning division , said at a launch event for the G Flex on Tuesday that he saw smartphones moving towards " curved , bendable , foldable , and wearable " devices , but he didn 't elaborate on how LG would further develop its flexible device technology .

  2. 本研究所得之结果不仅为中老年移动产品设计者提供理论基础和设计依据,还能够为相关研究领域的研究人员提供设计信息交流分享的平台。

    The investigation of the problem and feature models not only gives the theoretical and design basis to the middle aged mobile product designer but also provides the researcher in related areas one platform for information share and exchange .

  3. Mac软件的主管克雷格•费德里希目前接替了移动产品的软件业务。

    Craig federighi , the head of mac software , takes over mobile software as well .

  4. 本文的目的就是要设计并实现一个可集成在便携、移动产品上的USB主机控制器软核。

    This paper designed and implemented a USB host controller soft core that can be used in mobile devices .

  5. 之后在移动产品的环节,参与者们使用了一款iPad应用程序来进行实际操作。

    Later , in a mobile-product session , participants used an iPad app to try on glasses virtually .

  6. “战略转型是艰难的,”该公司CEO史蒂芬•埃洛普(StephenElop)在一份声明中称,“我们认识到需要推出优秀的移动产品,因此我们必须加快转型的步伐。

    " Strategy transitions are difficult . " CEO Stephen Elop said in a statement .

  7. 微软(Microsoft)在台式机领域取得了胜利,而安卓(Android)和苹果iOS则主导了移动产品领域。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) won the battle of the desktop era , and Android and IOS are the dominant drivers of the mobility era .

  8. 而Facebook豪掷10亿美元收购照片分享服务Instagram的部分原因也在于,该公司需要合适的设计者和工程师来打造移动产品。

    Its $ 1 billion purchase of photo-sharing service instagram was motivated in part by its need for designers and engineers skilled in creating products for phones .

  9. 在今年早些时候就已经有消息透露,亚马逊可能将发布搭载3D技术的手机。移动产品资讯网站BGR甚至还发布了照片,宣称照片中的就是新产品的原型机。

    News of a potential Amazon smartphone with 3-D capability leaked earlier this year , with BGR even posting photos it claimed featured a prototype for the new product .

  10. 和硕的崛起意味着富士康对苹果移动产品生产垄断的终结。富士康是全球最大的电子产品合同制造商鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(HonHaiPrecisionIndustryCo.)的商标名。

    Pegatron 's rise means an end to the monopoly that Foxconn Technology Group the trade name for Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. , the world 's largest electronics contract manufacturer has held over the production of Apple 's mobile products .

  11. 为了解决这个问题,移动产品芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)开始建立开源的网络平台,希望借此让邻近的设备相互联通。

    To fix this problem , mobile chipmaker Qualcomm ( qcom ) has been working on an open-source networking platform that aims to connect nearby devices to each other .

  12. WBMP是一种专门用于移动产品图像优化的图像格式,比如蜂窝式电话。

    WBMP format is the standard format for optimizing images for mobile devices , such as cell phones .

  13. 该公司3月份在首尔举办发布会,推出NX无镜头相机系列的迷你版,移动产品营销负责人李永熙(LeeYoung-hee)在超模簇拥下出席。

    The company punched out a ' mini ' version of its NX mirror-less camera series on Tuesday at a presser in Seoul where the company 's marketing executive for mobile products , Lee Young-hee , was present , surrounded by super models .

  14. 切诺特:移动产品重新定义了线上和线下的商业活动。

    Chenault : Mobile is redefining both online and offline commerce .

  15. 如今,移动产品存在着数十亿决策者。

    Today , with mobile products there are billions of decision makers .

  16. 多维甄别理论在垄断移动产品定价中的应用

    The Application of Multi-Dimensional Screening Theory in the Pricing of Monopolistic Mobile Products

  17. 女性消费者自我概念对中国移动产品品牌态度影响的研究

    A Study on the Impact of Self-Concept of Female Consumers on China Mobile 's Brand Attitude

  18. 我们通过直接运输方式移动产品,这是一种大规模货物运输方式。

    We move products around by direct shipping , which is a sort of mass-transportation for goods .

  19. 移动产品的功率挑战

    Power Challenges in Mobile Devices

  20. 而应用程序能移动产品,照顾客户,管理存货和揭示新的机遇。

    Applications move products , take care of customers , manage inventory , and uncover new opportunities .

  21. 随着市场的变化,工具必须用于创建高质量的移动产品。

    As the marketplace changes , so too must the tools used to create high-quality mobile content .

  22. 迎合移动产品需求的新型传感器

    New Sensors for Mobile Products

  23. 不过,问题在于极少有公司明白如何设计移动产品,以及如何从移动用户身上赚钱。

    Trouble is , few companies really know how to design for or generate significant revenue from such users .

  24. 我认为搜索与移动产品契合得很好,在搜索引擎中植入广告的效果很棒。

    I think that search is working well on mobile , the ads on search are working well on mobile .

  25. 康卡斯特和时代华纳公司宣布将合作在移动产品上推出在线电视服务。

    Comcast and Time Warner announced the deal that lets you to stream live cable TV content onto your mobile devices .

  26. 比如移动产品在巴西获得了大量采用,使许多传统台式电脑和打印设备的需求却大大下降。

    Mobile adoption in Brazil , as an example , has obviated the need for many traditional desktop computing and printing supplies .

  27. 去哪儿网在打造移动产品上很成功。对于包括百度在内的很多中国互联网公司而言,这都是一个重要的目标。

    Qunar has been successful in building out its mobile offerings , an important goal for many Chinese Internet companies , including Baidu .

  28. 而现在几乎所有的数码移动产品都要使用中小尺寸液晶面板,而且不同的产品对面板的要求也不同。

    Meanwhile , medium / small size LCD panel is used in nearly every digital mobile production which has different requirements of LCD panels .

  29. 随着移动产品及应用程序复杂性的不断增长,可能产生的问题实在太多了。

    As mobile content and applications continue to grow in complexity and sophistication , so too grows the number of issues that can arise .

  30. 这些顶级移动产品应设在最符合人体工程学的位置和正确的大小的设备,以减少选择缺货和尽量减少补充劳动力。

    These top moving products should be located in the most ergonomic locations and right-sized equipment to reduce pick stock-outs and minimize replenishment labor .