
  • 网络internal clock;Internal Frequency
  1. NILT法求解高速集成电路芯片内频变互连线的瞬态响应

    Application of NILT Method to the Transient Simulation of Frequency-Dependent on-Chip Interconnects in High Speed IC

  2. 利用小波变换(WT)对超短高斯脉冲光束作时频分析,获得了光脉冲的时间分辨功率谱,给出了在1个脉冲周期内频随时间变化的关系。

    The wavelet transform ( WT ) is applied to the time frequency analysis of ultrashort pulsed Gaussian beam on propagation . The time resolved power spectrum of the propagating ultrashort pulsed Gaussian beam is obtained , which show the change of the frequency with time in a pulse cycle .

  3. 针对各向同性粘接结构,可能通过考察特定频率段内频散模态的变化,实现对脱粘缺陷的检测。

    For the adhesive bonding of isotropic materials , the disbond defects may be detected by measuring the variety of the dispersive modes in a special frequency band .

  4. 扫频算法具有强大的频偏捕获能力,在此基础上,本文结合判决自导方法,实现了很大范围内频偏的捕获与跟踪;

    Based on the great capability of sweeping algorithm to capture frequency offset , capturing and tracking of that in big range is accomplished associated with decision directed method .

  5. 所设计的脉冲调制鉴频器在-20~70°C温度范围内鉴频输出电压变化小于5%。

    The pulse modulated discriminator has an output voltage variation less than 5 % in the temperature range from - 20 ° C to 70 (° C. )

  6. FMIBOC(带内同频)数字音频广播系统

    FM IBOC ( In Band On Channel ) Digital Radio Broadcasting System

  7. 改进的算法对连续三个符号进行ML估计,在进行频偏估计时,通过使用观察窗,在窗口内对频偏估计值进行均值运算,对频偏估计值误差进行矫正。

    The algorithm uses observation window in order to reduce the frequency offset error , in which average of every frequency offset estimation values of three symbols is obtained during frequency offset estimation .

  8. Rayleigh波在50~80kHz的频率范围内呈频散状态,即该波波速随频率的变化而变化;

    And the dispersion of Rayleigh wave is observed in the range of 50 ~ 80 kHz , that is , the velocity of Rayleigh wave depends on the frequency . A calculation of velocity of Rayleigh wave in initial stress field is researched in present paper .

  9. 雷达信号脉内时频分析的一种新方法

    A New Method for Time-frequency Analysis of Intra-pulse Radar Signal

  10. GB3376-1982电话自动交换网带内单频脉冲线路信号方式

    Inband pulsing single frequency line signalling system for telephone automatic switching network

  11. 美国数字音频广播带内同频技术的实现方案

    The Realized Project of In-Band On-Channel Technology of DAB

  12. 带内单频脉冲线路信号的扫描接收算法

    Algorithm of Receiving In-Band Single Frequency Pulse Line Signal

  13. 一个脉动周期内的频偏也是与液体流动的速度相关联。

    Secondly , the frequency offset is also related to the flow speed .

  14. 全固体腔内和频激光器的研究与发展

    All-solid-state intracavity sum-frequency laser and its development

  15. 这种方法的主要特点是能有效对抗带内强点频干扰。

    The chief advantage of this scheme is the effectiveness of overcoming strong interference on some frequency point in band .

  16. 在低频域内对此频散方程进行了数值求解,得到随孔隙度的变化的频散曲线和衰减曲线及偏振特性曲线。

    In the low-frequency domain of this numerical dispersion equation is solved with the change in porosity of the dispersion curves and attenuation curves and polarization curves .

  17. 因此,基于区域或者全球的跟踪站网络提供的实时观测数据流,建立实时电离层模型,能够有效提高服务区域内单频用户定位精度。

    Therefore , using real-time observation data streams based on regional or global tracking station network , to build real-time ionospheric model can effectively improve ionospheric model accuracy .

  18. 研制的激光脉冲调制系统采用锁相技术,以单片、集成锁相环代替分立元件,实现了片内鉴频和鉴相的功能。

    The laser pulse modulation system developed utilizes the phase-locking technique and the single chip integrated PLL , which replaces the discrete components , thus implementing frequency and phase comparison in the chip .

  19. 用它可以求得气流速度任频域内的频幅谱特性、能量分布特性、以及时间与空间上的相关特性和涡旋尺度等。

    We can obtain the frequency amplitude spectrum property and energy distribution property of air velocity in frequency domain , the correlation property on time and space , the rule of eddy , etc.

  20. 本文首先研究了复杂目标的时频分布,得出目标在较大方位角变化范围内其时频分布具有相对不变性的特点,而后,基于这稳定的时频特征,给出了目标识别方法。

    In this paper , the time-frequency characteristics of complex targets are studied and the stability of time-frequency distribution of complex target is obtained with the aspect throughout the large angle range . Based on these table signatures , recognition algorithm is proposed .

  21. 高速IC芯片内互连线频变参数的有效提取方法

    Efficient Extraction Method for Frequency Dependent Parameters of On Chip Interconnects in High Speed ICs

  22. 基于遗传算法的AVR片内振荡器校频处理

    Frequency Calibration for on Chip Oscillator of AVR Using Genetic Algorithms

  23. 本文主要是研究无线移动环境中OFDM系统的高效接收方法,包括高效的时频同步算法、高效内插导频的信道估计算法以及高效的自适应信道估计算法。

    This dissertation mainly focuses on some high-efficient transmission techniques , including the high-efficient time-frequency synchronization algorithm , the high-efficient channel estimation algorithm based on pilot arrangement and the high-efficient adaptive channel estimation algorithm , in OFDM systems .

  24. 其中,频率比较单元在一定的参考时间内对预分频器的输出信号周期进行计数,然后通过比较计数结果与预设值的大小来估计VCO输出频率。

    The frequency comparator counts the prescaler cycles within a certain reference time and compares the number with preset data to estimate the VCO frequency . The frequency comparison error is analyzed in detail .

  25. 介绍了全内腔角块定频差双折射双频HeNe激光器的结构设计,用等光强法对其进行热伺服稳频,在8h工作时间内,稳频精度在2×10-7以上。

    This paper discusses the design of full-inner-cavity birefringence dual-frequency He-Ne laser with fixed frequency-difference by angle-block structure , and the frequency-stabilization schemes of serving the laser with heater through the equal light intensity methods . The frequency stability is better than 2 × 10 - 7 within 8 hours .

  26. 在通频带内,幅频特性曲线的幅值的大小与阻尼系数有关。

    The amplitude value of amplitude-frequency curve in frequency passband is related to damping coefficient .

  27. 同时消除了频偏对符号定时的影响,且在一定范围内随多普勒频移的增加,符号定时同步性能得到进一步改善。

    And the proposed method is robust to the frequency offset and the performance will be further improved with the increasing of Doppler frequency shift .

  28. 目的用公共的低速采样频率对全频段内许多不同频点的带通信号进行采样。

    AimTo use the common sample frequency in low speed to the sample of band-pass signals of multiple different frequency point in full frequency rage .

  29. 自然频率远远高出地震勘探的频带范围,在地震勘探的频带范围内其幅频特性和相频特性都是一条直线;

    Its natural frequency exceed range of frequency band of seismic exploration a great many . The phase and amplitude frequency characteristics is all a beeline in the frequency band range of seismic exploration .

  30. 该算法利用回波相关系数门限自适应调整积累范围,并结合图像熵法对积累范围内由时频分析得到的距离-瞬时多普勒像进行叠加成像。

    In this new algorithm its accumulating range was adaptively adjusted by using a correlation coefficient threshold , and the range-instantaneous Doppler images obtained by the time-frequency analysis in accumulative range were done with overlapping imaging in combination with the image entropy measure .