
  1. 基于VSAT的移动指挥系统

    The Mobile Command System Based on VSAT

  2. 结合防汛抗旱指挥的现状,文章提出基于B/S结构的移动指挥车监控系统实例,系统具有车辆移动定位跟踪、车辆移动导航等移动地理信息的基本功能。

    When it comes to Flood Control and Drought Relief , the author provides a " Mobile Vehicle Monitoring System Based on B / S Architecture " instance , which has some simple mobile GIS functions , including : mobile position and tracing , mobile navigation and mobile GIS query .

  3. 通过一个实例介绍基于VSAT的移动指挥系统的设计,阐述了系统的基本结构单元与数据接口,最后,指出系统建设的注意要点。

    This paper introduces the design of the mobile command system based on VSAT by an example . It explains the basic structure and the data interface . In the end , the important point in system construction is indicated .

  4. 移动指挥车系统的设计与应用

    A Mobile Commanding Car System : Design and Application

  5. 指挥中心(包括固定和移动指挥中心)间的互联互通。

    Intercommunication and interconnection of ( fixed or mobile ) the command center .

  6. 现代通信与信息技术在电力移动指挥中的应用研究

    Application of modern communication and information technology to mobile command for power emergency repair

  7. 上海电力应急抢修移动指挥系统通信平台建设的关键要素分析

    Essentials to communication platform construction for mobile emergency response command systems for Shanghai Power Grid

  8. 集群通信系统是一种资源共享、专网共建、统一管理的多用途、高效能的先进移动指挥调度系统。

    Trunking communications system is an advanced mobile dispatching system with multi-uses and high efficiency . In the system resources are shared special networks are jointly constructed and management is centralized .

  9. 从应用功能角度,介绍了一种快速高效的基于卫星通信、数据中心访问、微波图像传输等技术的电力移动指挥系统功能建设模式。

    The center is expected to have quick and reliable communication response , real-time operational data , and various functions constructed based on technology of satellite communication , data center visit , and micro image transmission .

  10. 现在PLA地面力量部署一种移动SATCOM指挥站,能从无论何处穿越国家馈给声音和数据发射返回到指挥部。

    Currently the PLA ground forces are deploying a mobile SATCOM command post that can feed voice and data transmissions back into the headquarters from anywhere across the country .

  11. 就是说指挥中心是在一个移动地点指挥行动。

    Which means central command will be running op-sec from a remote location .

  12. 基于多媒体技术的无线移动应急指挥系统是一套用于紧急情况下局部区域内快速布防的智能信息管理系统。

    Wireless and Emergency System For Commanding Basing on Multimedia is a kind of artificial intelligence and information system that is used to build a commanding system quickly in a small area .

  13. GPRS在移动多媒体应急指挥系统中的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GPRS in Mobile Multimedia Emergency Command Systems

  14. 重大事故移动监测和指挥平台AKY-MCP的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of " AKY-MCP " a mobile major Accidents Monitoring and Command Platform

  15. 河南移动通信生产指挥调度中心大楼

    Center Building of Henan China Mobile Product and Command Attemper

  16. 数字化部队移动通信与指挥控制装备技术研究

    Research of digital army mobile communication and command equipment

  17. 集群移动通信系统在指挥调度中具有不可替代的作用。

    Trunking mobile communication system plays an irreplaceable role in dispatching .

  18. 移动(车载)指挥中心的综合通信;

    Integrated communication of mobile / vehicular command center .