
  • 网络Daily Hardware
  1. 笔者就职的智能锁公司即是传统产业中的中小企业,主要从事日用五金锁具的生产销售。

    The intelligence lock company the writer works for is a small-middle business of conventional industries . The company mainly manages in the production and sales of hardware locks .

  2. 经销液化气,氧气,乙炔,钢瓶,日用百货,五金建材,家用电器,土产日杂。

    Distribution liquefied petroleum gas , oxygen , acetylene , 30,600 , daily provisions , metal building materials , household appliances , products House .

  3. 张掖市临风进出口贸易有限公司经营范围广泛,涉及日用百货、五金交电、建筑材料等。

    The business of Zhangye City Linfeng Import & Export Co. , Ltd is in a great variety with the provision of daily merchandises , hardware and electrical material and building material etc.