
  • 网络Daily load curve
  1. SCADA系统提供的变电站日负荷曲线,以实测数据为基础,包含有丰富的反映综合负荷构成特征的信息,可以应用于综合负荷的在线建模。

    Substation daily load curve provided by the SCADA system is based on the actual measured data and contains a wealth of information which reflects the characteristics of load constitute . It can be applied to composite load online-modeling .

  2. 首先通过对全网所有220kV(或110kV)负荷节点典型日负荷曲线进行构成分析,得出各负荷节点中行业用电构成的负荷比例;

    Following an analysis of the typical daily load curve of all the 220 kV ( or 110 kV ) load substations , the load composition in each substation is obtained .

  3. 利用Edgeworth级数制定典型日负荷曲线的新方法

    A New Method for Determining the Typical Daily Load Curves

  4. 应用BP神经网络预测锅炉房的日负荷曲线保证蓄热器运行的最优分段,采用最小差模型(MDM)法进行负荷的最优分配,据此编写相应的计算机程序。

    The error back propagation ( BP ) neural networks are used to perform the forecast of daily load curves so that the optimal segmentation of the daily load curve can be accomplished . Then the plant load is optimally assigned to boilers by the minimum-departure model ( MDM ) .

  5. 这条新的日负荷曲线便是火电机组需要运行的曲线。

    The thermal power plant operate the new daily load curve .

  6. 基于日负荷曲线的负荷分类和综合建模

    Load Clustering and Synthetic Modeling Based on Daily Load Curves

  7. 用样条插值法模拟典型日负荷曲线

    Simulation of typical daily load curve with spline interpolation

  8. 典型日负荷曲线预测的一种简单方法

    A Simple Method of Typical Day Load Curve Forecasting

  9. 中长期日负荷曲线预测的研究

    The study on long term daily load curve forecasting

  10. 用典型负荷曲线叠加法编制韶关地区日负荷曲线

    Using typical load curve superposition method to compile daily load curve of Shaoguan area

  11. 该方法首先用k-均值算法对日负荷曲线进行聚类分析,获得每个聚类的特征曲线;

    First , the day load curves are clustered by k - means algorithm .

  12. 一种中长期日负荷曲线预测的新方法&双向夹逼法

    A novel method of middle and long term forecasting for daily load CURVE-APPROACHING algorithm in two directions

  13. 本文集中对年最大负荷曲线、年电量分布曲线和典型日负荷曲线的预测模型进行深入的探讨。

    It gives a thorough study on three kinds of load curve forecasting models in this thesis .

  14. 基于粗糙集理论和动态时序模型的日负荷曲线预测新方法

    A new method to forecast daily load curve based on rough set theory and dynamic time series model

  15. 将其与标准日负荷曲线取平均作为预测结果,示例表明日平均误差小于2%。

    Combining it with the standard daily load curve can make the mean daily forecasting error with in 2 % .

  16. 其次,着重研究了基于用户日负荷曲线的用电行业在线分类与综合方法。

    Secondly , the author describes the study of the classification and comprehensive online method in power consumer industry based on daily load profile .

  17. 本文通过分析变电站日负荷曲线的特点,提出了一套系统的日负荷曲线坏数据自动处理技术。

    This paper analyzes the features of substation daily load curve and proposes a new system for outlier automatic processing of daily load curve .

  18. 本文提出了运用灰色预测模型和几何回归模型预测重大节日期间电网日负荷曲线的方法,并编制了相应软件。

    A method to use the grey prediction model and geometric regression model to predict the daily load curve of power systems during the great holiday is proposed . A relevant software is presented .

  19. 然后对无锡地区近年来的负荷特性进行了分析,主要对不同年份负荷率、峰谷差、典型行业的日负荷曲线数据进行分析,从中找出无锡地区负荷及负荷特性的特点。

    Then it analyses the load characteristics of Wuxi , mainly on load-rate of years and typical daily load data or curves so that we can find the main specialty of the local load .

  20. 文章深入分析了影响经济效益的因素,得出的结论是:有调节性能好的水库、参加系统调节、日负荷曲线变化大的水电厂具有最大的经济效益;

    The factors affecting the economic benefit are discussed . The hydro plant with large reservoir capacity , taking part in system regulation and having greater variation in daily load curve , possesses the greatest economic benefit .

  21. 以电力系统日负荷曲线为例,应用傅里叶组数进行仿真,并提出用线性化回归方法求取傅里叶级数系数的新算法。

    In this paper , with the daily load chart of a power system used as an example of the simulation method based on Fourier series , a new algorithm is given to decide Fourier coefficients by linearization regression .

  22. 采用模糊理论对日负荷曲线预报中的天气因素进行了模糊处理,根据季节、气候的不同对天气因素做不同的模糊处理和不同数学模型,建立了专家处理系统,提高了短期负荷预测的精度

    It deals with climate elements in loading curve prediction per day by adopting ambiguity theory , it makes different ambiguity handlings and mathematic models of climate elements according to different season and climate , builds up expert handling system and increases precision of short time loading prediction

  23. 在分析了某地区日平均负荷曲线的年周期性、周周期性、日周期性的基础上提出了每日24个整点负荷值的分段预测模型。

    This paper analyses the characteristic of load curve in certain area and introduces a new model to forecast the load value of every hour in the next day .

  24. 基于多时段气象数据判断相似日的日负荷曲线预测研究

    Study of next-day load curve prediction based on similar days determined by daily multi-intervals meteorological data

  25. 对待预测日的负荷水平与曲线形状相似集,取两者的交集作为相似日选择结果。

    Taking the intersection of load level set and curve shape set as the result of similar day selection .

  26. 现有的短期负荷预测注重1日至几日的负荷曲线预测,超短期负荷预测完成1小时内的负荷预测。

    Nowadays , short-term load forecasting focuses on the load curve forecasting one day or several days ahead . Super short-term load forecasting focuses on the prediction one hour ahead .