
  1. 介绍了加装风机后空气自冷树脂绝缘干式变压器额定容量的确定原则,并提出了额定容量的建议性数值。

    The determination principle for rated capacity of air-cooling resin insulation dry-type transformer after equipping the fan is introduced in this paper , and the recommending values for rated capacity are also presented .

  2. 该方法考虑了影响经济运行的诸多因素,通过计算机计算,使配电变压器额定容量选择方法技术上可行,又考虑了其运行的节能性和经济性。

    On the basis of the calculation , a method of choosing the rated capacity of the distribution transformer - annual outlay method , is introduced which involves many influence aspects on economic operation . Through computer calculation , the choice of rated capacity is more valid and economic .

  3. 辅助变压器的额定容量较小;

    The power rating of the auxiliary transformer is lower .

  4. 小浪底水电站主变压器为额定容量360MV·A的三相水冷无励磁调压双卷铜绕组油浸升压变压器,产品选用10型,该变压器由国内制造。

    The main tranformer for the Xiaolangdi Hydropower Station is three-phase , non-excitation , pressure adjustment , double copper winding , oil-immersed booster transformer , with the normal capacity of 360 MVA . The tranformer of type-10 , made in China , was selected .

  5. 目前,随着电力工业的迅速发展,变压器的数量和额定容量都逐渐增加。

    At present , the quantity and the capacity of transformers are growing gradually with the rapid development of electric power industry .

  6. 每台产品上均可加装风机增大变压器容量输出,不装风机的变压器能在额定容量下连续运行。

    Standard transformer can only operate at the rating capacity without the cooling fan , while each transformer may be installed with an extra cooling fan to increase the output capacity .

  7. 提出了计算配电变压器经济负载率的数学模型和计算方法,并以此为依据,提出了配电变压器额定容量选择的新方法&年度费用最小法。

    Presents the load rate mathematical model and its calculation method for the transformer .