
  • 网络orbit maneuver motor
  1. 变轨发动机大型高空模拟试验台

    Large Altitude Simulation Test Stand for Orbit Maneuver Motor

  2. 变轨发动机不等量截尾试验可靠度评估

    Reliability evaluation of unequal end off test for spacecraft

  3. 卫星变轨发动机羽流污染的研究

    Study on contamination caused by plume flow from the transfer orbital rocket of satellite

  4. 近地点变轨发动机高空喷管性能预示研究

    Altitude performance prediction of perigee kick motor nozzle

  5. 为研究轻型、可靠、环保的空间站机动变轨发动机,在氢氧液体火箭发动机头部设计中引入了新型气动谐振点火技术。

    To develop light , reliable , sanitary space station maneuverable orbital transfer thruster , the novel gas dynamic resonance ignition method was applied .

  6. 随后,分别研究了变轨发动机工作态的消章控制和消偏控制的特点和相应方法;

    Secondly , the characteristics and methods of reducing nutation control and reducing deflection control while the orbit transform motor was working were studied respectively .

  7. 基于气动谐振点火技术的氢/氧变轨发动机是一项新型的液体火箭推进技术,尤其适用于空间站应用。

    Hydrogen and oxygen orbital maneuver thruster , based on gas-dynamic resonance ignition , is a new liquid rocket propulsion technology , and is especially applicable to space station .

  8. 应用该方法对某细长型航天器的变轨发动机工作态进行控制,仿真结果表明,姿态控制的精度较高。

    This method was applied to control some slender spacecraft while the orbit transform motor was working , the simulation result shows that the precision of the attitude control is quite high .

  9. 应用高温蒸气引射、低温液氮冷凝、超音速扩压器、模拟燃气负载调试、分布式测控等关键技术,完成了大型高空模拟试车台的建设,取得变轨发动机高空模拟试验的成功。

    The test stand is constructed by using the following key technologies , high-temperature steam injection , low-temperature liquid nitrogen condensation , supersonic diffuser , analog gas load debugging , distributed test and control , etc.

  10. 论述了我国变规发动机大型高空模拟试验台总体技术方案、试验系统组成及所采用的关键技术,并对变轨发动机高空热试验成功进行了技术总结。

    The system technology concept , composition of test system and key technologies of the large altitude simulation test stand for orbit maneuver motor are desc-ribed , and the successful altitude hot firing test of the orbit maneuver motor is technically summarized .

  11. 变轨高温发动机热辐射对空间站尾部对接机构的热影响

    Thermal Effect of Radiation of High-Temperature Engine on Docking Mechanism at Space Station Tail

  12. 基于气动谐振点火器的氢氧变轨火箭发动机地面点火试验

    Ground Ignition Test of an Orbit Maneuver H_2 / O_2 Thruster Based on Gas Dynamic Resonance Igniter

  13. 结合气动谐振点火器进行头部设计的氢氧变轨火箭发动机是一项新颖化学火箭推进技术,尤其适于空间站应用。

    Orbit maneuver hydrogen-oxygen thruster based on gas dynamic resonance igniter is a novel chemical propulsion technology especially prospective in space station application .

  14. 新颖机动变轨化学火箭发动机头部研究

    Investigation on head of novel chemical thruster for orbit maneuver