
  • the Mutant
  1. 本名瑞雯·达克霍姆,魔形女是超级英雄系列电影《X战警》中的变种人,拥有可以变成任何人的超能力。

    Born as Raven Darkhome , Mystique is a mutant from the superhero film series X-Men which has the ability to shapeshift into anyone .

  2. 你的父母怎么会送你来变种人学校的?

    And your parents just sent you off to mutant school ?

  3. 当他听说一部X战警的电影即将开拍时曾费尽心思去游说以求得到X教授(变种人的领导者)的角色。

    When he heard of an upcoming X-Men movie , he lobbied hard to get the role of Professor X , the mutants ' chrome-domed paraplegic leader .

  4. 解药的源头是个变种人。

    The source of the cure is a mutant .

  5. {302}{}{你看到一个超级变种人,他的嘴里叼着一支香烟。

    You see a super mutant with a cigarette dangling from his mouth .

  6. 变种人的热血已经洒得够多了。

    Enough mutant blood has been spilled already .

  7. 不管你是谁,变种人,还是什么。

    Whoever you are * Mutant or whatever .

  8. 现在连变种人都来找我了。

    Now even mutants come looking for me .

  9. 大胆戴世伍德:看来这些超级变种人除了坚持以外一无是处,一句忠告,快跑别停下!

    Well , those supermutantas are persistent if nothing else ! A word of advice-keep running !

  10. 孩子,你爪子还没长出来之前,我就为变种人的权益奋斗了。

    My boy , I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws .

  11. 一家大型制药公司发明了一种永久抑制变种人X-基因的方法,他们称之为“解药”

    A major pharmaceutical company has developed a way to suppress the mutant X-Gene permanently . They 're calling it a cure .

  12. 那么说你是知道它在哪里了?快来,这些变种人离我们不远了!

    So you do know where it is ! well come on then , those super mutants can 't be far behind !

  13. 乔什詹姆斯已经签约扮演邪恶的“电锁”,而莎奇比茨扮演的变种人多米诺将首次登上大荧幕。

    Josh Brolin has signed on to play the villainous Cable and Zazie Beetz will give the mutant character Domino her big screen debut .

  14. 迪士尼的另外两部即将上映的电影——《新变种人》和《黑寡妇》——仍保持各自的上映日期(8月28日和11月6日)不变。

    Two of Disney 's other upcoming films , The New Mutants and Black Widow , remain with their respective release dates of August 28th and November 6th .

  15. 这位21岁的女演员将在8月2日上映的《新变种人》中扮演漫威漫画公司的终极变种人之一,拉恩·辛克莱尔,又名沃尔夫斯本。

    The 21-year-old actress will play one of Marvel Comics ' ultimate outsiders , Rahne Sinclair , aka Wolfsbane , in The New Mutants , due in theaters on Aug. 2 .

  16. 新婚的朋友体贴地把你的座位安排在一桌变种人中,但是如果你微笑的话,任何人都不会看出你正在幻想着甜蜜的报复。

    Your newly married pals thoughtfully seated you at a table of mutants , but if you 're smiling , no one can tell that you 're fantasizing about your sweet , sweet revenge .

  17. 我们可以谈谈他胖硕的体形,或者他是如何像一个过度生长的变种人树懒一样移动的,但我们要注意到,这些限制因素在他整体的表现中是多么的无关紧要,这样也许会更有参考价值。

    We can talk about his gelatinous physique or how he moves like an overgrown mutant sloth , but it 'd probably be more instructive to note just how inconsequential those limiting factors have been in the grander scheme of things .

  18. 研究人员发现,体内有两组ABCC9基因变种的人比其他人的睡眠时间“明显缩短”。

    Researchers discovered that people who had two copies of one common variant4 of ABCC9 slept for ' significantly shorter ' periods than people with two copies of another version .

  19. FTO有两种变种,每个人都有一对这种基因。

    FTO comes in two varieties , and everyone inherits two copies of the gene .

  20. 这些邪恶的变种是半人半山羊,象徵地狱的意志中最令人厌恶的形式。

    These mutations of Evil are half man , half goat and signify the foulest form of Hell 's will .

  21. 据说这些所谓变种的“鼹鼠人”(molepeople)是非常讨厌阳光和地面的人们,他们更愿意居住在城市地下废弃的地铁隧道里,在那里偷电、取水并搭建自己的房屋和住所。

    These alleged mole people were said to be mutants who hated the sunlight and surface dwellers , preferring to live in underground cities built in abandoned train tunnels , where they steal electricity , tap into water pipes , and build their own houses and dwellings .

  22. 尽管人类还不能驾驭它,专家们担心的是病毒的变种能轻易在人与人之间传播,引发疫情。

    Although it has been hard for people to catch , experts worry the virus could mutate into a form that passes easily among humans , sparking a pandemic .

  23. 第二项分析着重于增加好的胆固醇的14个基因变种,Kathiresan博士说,有最多变种的人与其他人相比,不会更好地阻止心脏病的发生。

    A second analysis looked at fourteen gene variants that increase good cholesterol . Dr. Kathiresan says people with the most variants had no more protection against heart attacks than anyone else .